9-year-old hen gagging, raspy, throwing up egg white?


8 Years
May 28, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
My Blue Orpington, who has never had a health issue ever, was just now gagging/coughing. I picked her up and put my hand on her throat and she leaned over and "threw up" either egg white or clear phlegm. She won't drink, but she's on the roost and breathing in a loud rasp.
Any ideas? I have never experienced this before.
'Bad' or over filled crop.....caused aspiration?
Had she just drank a lot?
Well, the stuff she threw up was thick, like egg white. She hadn't been drinking. They had just come into the coop from being out in the yard. They were all milling about when I heard her gagging. Her head was pointed down and it was hanging from her beak.
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