90 assorted and mostly mystery eggs hatch (the lav made it!!!)

good luck with the hatch
Candled on Sunday, but I was unable to really tell, because the batteries were dying in the candler. I purchased new batteries and I will be candling probably today sometime.

The excitement is building, but I think most of them are duds, since a few candled porous. I just left them, cause I couldn't see very well.
I candled yesterday and the current number is 65 eggs that appeared to be developing. This is a pretty good number considering that most of the eggs probably weren't fertile in the first place.

All is going well so far and it seems that everything will be running right on schedule.

I'm so excited!!
Today is day 18 assuming my calculations are correct!

Thursday the 25th is day 21 so I plan on pulling an all-nighter.
I just saw this thread - how cool! And what a great idea collecting the eggs after the fair - if I had any sort of room after my 30+ eggs I'd be copying you on that (heck, I just might anyway!) So exciting you had 60-odd candle well... how are they doing now?

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