90 Days *A RolePlay*

Name: Vivian Blue
Age: 14
Gender: F
Group: dark
Description: she has short curly brown hair and green-hazel eyes.
Short personality: sassy, pushes everyone’s buttons and knows who is a smart choice of friends
Friends with: open
Enemies with: her twin sister Elenor
Helpful item: her locket (a family thing that’s been passed down)
ID number: 8
Other: I’m going to make her twin now...
Username: @Butterscotchbitesfinger
Name: Anneliese Kunller
Gender: f
Group: pastel
Description:unusually tall with poor coordination and balance. Very light skin and red hair.
Personality: She is extremely smart and is introverted, but once someone is her friend she never turns her back.
friends with: the few people that can get through to her
Enemies with: the few people she particularly dislikes (she doesn't have an opinion on most people)
helpful item: a hatchet
ID number:387
Other: struggles to walk in heels
Username: SueZ 24
Just realized their ID is just their gamer number, not social security like I originally thought XD

Name: Aros Channe Hagen
Age (14-17): 17
Gender: Male
Group: Tricolor group
Description: Pitch black hair laid slick against his head. Unusually bright silver eyes. Light, yet not pale, skin. 6'1 tall.
Short Personality: Quiet, intelligent, and a skilled liar. Rest to be RPed.
Friends with: Few
Enemies with: Many
Helpful item: A compass
ID Number: 15
Other: None
Username: @RiverStorm

Name: Lachlan Conrad Fallyn
Age (14-17): 14
Gender: Male
Group: Warm Group
Description: Wavy dark brown hair. Light skin. Light green eyes that seem to sparkle. 5'11 tall.
Short Personality: Always ready to help, kind, brave, exceedingly loyal. Resilient no matter what, and usually in the works of crafting a friendship. While he is very kind, this usually is his downfall-- Being too trusting. Playful, and sometimes way too silly.
Friends with: Many
Enemies with: Few
Helpful item: Climbing rope.
ID Number: 5
Other: River's twin brother (Older one of the twins). He's rather horrified that he wasn't placed in the same group as River.
Username: @RiverStorm
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Name: Logan Keller
Gender: m
Description: tall with shaggy, light brown hair. Tan skin, but not dark. Broad shoulders and long arms
Personality:extremely stubborn but easily manipulated. Is really good at figuring things out. Loves puns and plays on words.
Friends with: those who can put up with him
Enemies with those who can't put up with him
Helpful item: flint and steel
ID number:89
Username: SueZ 24
Name: Cameron (his friends call him Cam.)
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Group: dark group
Description: short light brown hair, chocolate-y brown eyes, tan-ish skin, 6feet tall.
Short personality: He's your typical "bad boy" kind of guy, smart, attractive, stubborn.
Friends with: TBRP
Enemies with: Due to his annoying nature, a lot of people dislike him.
Helpful item: Small pocket knife.
ID number: 27
Username: @FrankieDoodle
Name- Adam
Age (14-17)- 17
Gender- M
Group- Pastel
Description- Adam stands at a strong 5'11, with long black wavy hair that stretches a little past his shoulders. He has piercing blue eyes and a complexion that compares to a cool glass of milk. His cheeks are sprinkled lovingly with freckles. He has a thin frame, with some slight muscle toning.
Short Personality- He keeps a rude and sarcastic front, ending up not being liked by many.
Friends with- He can only maintain friendships with dogs
Enemies with- George
Helpful item- Fishing Pole
ID Number- 66
Name: Alice tinston
Age: 17
Gender: F
Group: pastel
Description: she has short brown hair that comes abover her shoulders. She has electric blue eyes and pale skin
Short personality: she is fierce and feisty. She never holds back on her opinion
Friends with: open
Enemies with: open
Helpful item: string
ID number: 20
Other: she has 3 younger siblings that she has escaped by coming here
Username: @Butterscotchbitesfinger
Here is Adam I drew him up really quickly, can't wait to have fun with all you guys and gals!


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