
I'm out of the hatch along... We got a severe storm last night and the power is still out. I did hug em in my singlet for several hours while I slept but it was too hot for me so we put them under a broody chicken but she'd been moved to a secure pen for the storm and she just stood over them.
All the best everyone!!!:pop

as Ron noted the first part of the hatch they can get cool
I have missed like 4 pages of conversations!!!!
I didn't get any alerts they were posted !!!
I didn't get to have a happy dance for @Smuvers Farm getting you eggs
So belated dance!!

And hi :frow to all the new people!!!
Hi Hope, How is that amazing quilt going? What are you incubating?
Still slow on the quilt... came to my house in florida (where all the animals have already been moved to and watched by Father-in-law) and have had a lot of cleaning and organizing and taking care of things since being here so haven't had time. :th

:fl they are fertile and take!
And chickens.
I have quail on lockdown right now too..
How about you?

I have missed like 4 pages of conversations!!!!
I didn't get any alerts they were posted !!!
I didn't get to have a happy dance for @Smuvers Farm getting you eggs
So belated dance!!
View attachment 1205618
And hi :frow to all the new people!!!

Ummm, why isn't you a Squatch Watcher?!?!? Thanks for that sexy bouncy eggy dance!
This reply is for my six peeps.
I always want to add to the fun & joy to the threads and contests, that's why I come back daily. Hanging out with my BYC buds.
The only reason I'm setting on the eleventh is because I want to have more fun & excitement even though the season is over for us here. But because I am hatching for my friends, why should I have all the FUN?
Earlier today while combing thru candidate eggs for the hatch, I thought why don't I let my six hatch mates choose their own egg?
I will post in this thread, six or so photos. Each photo will be an egg I inspected and approved for most viability for setting. Each egg photo will be numbered.
BUT.. you have to choose the number of the egg first. So lets say two people choose egg #4. The first poster gets their name marked on the egg #4.
If you are un able to log onto BYC tomorrow or don't get a chance to read this message. I will choose for you. No big deal!
But you have to choose tomorrow before midnight E.S.Time.
This adds a little more fun to the hatch.
Upon set day, the balance of the six members whom have not chosen will find out the number of the photo I chose for them on set day.

Ladies & Gentlemen.. mark your daily planners!
Be on this thread at 4 pm EST tomorrow.
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509 pages!!!! How will I ever know what to do there!!!??!
View attachment 1205642
I read up to page 7,..... so far lol

Meh, this is just a buncha people clucking away about anything and everything. Nothing is OT. Just go to the last page and jump in! If you have any questions trust... we'll catch you up!!! :D

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