A bear killed all but one of my chickens


Feb 11, 2021
I’m still in shock but the night before last a bear ripped the hardware cloth off the back of my coop and killed all but one of my chickens. The only survivor is in a rabbit cage in my bathroom and I’ll be putting her temporarily into a hutch in the garage until I can figure out what to do with my coop. At some point I’ll get her a companion so she doesn’t have to be alone but that’s another discussion.

I’ve been reading that hot wire is the best way to deter a bear but last year a bear went right through my neighbor’s electric fencing and destroyed his beehives. I don’t think a little piece of hot wire would deter a hungry bear.

My rabbit barn is right next door to my coop and the bear didn’t touch it. It’s made from a powder coated steel dog kennel. I’m thinking of buying some more of those panels and using them to fortify my coop. Basically I would just keep the structure in place, replace the hardware cloth to keep out smaller predators, and have that extra wall around the coop. But I also wanted to see if anyone here had better ideas. If it wasn’t for that one survivor, I think at this point I’d be giving up chicken keeping.
I am so sorry for your loss:hugs :(. What a terrible thing to find. I don't have any experience with bears here but I can empathize with the feeling of that loss.it just leaves you brokenhearted and empty.
I like the idea of the metal fortress since they left your rabbits alone , but my fear is the bear will come back since it tasted chicken. You obviously loved your chickens very much so hugs and I just said a prayer 🙏for your loss. I think it's wise to wait and visit with neighbors before moving forward. Makes you wonder what did they do in the "ol days" to keep chickens there. ?
Good luck to you. Helen
I am so sorry for your loss:hugs :(. What a terrible thing to find. I don't have any experience with bears here but I can empathize with the feeling of that loss.it just leaves you brokenhearted and empty.
I like the idea of the metal fortress since they left your rabbits alone , but my fear is the bear will come back since it tasted chicken. You obviously loved your chickens very much so hugs and I just said a prayer 🙏for your loss. I think it's wise to wait and visit with neighbors before moving forward. Makes you wonder what did they do in the "ol days" to keep chickens there. ?
Good luck to you. Helen
Thank you. It’s been especially hard for my 15-year-old … she absolutely loved those chickens.
First off, I'm am so sorry. This is a constant fear of mine. We live in the woods with heavy bear activity, and haven't had a chance to set up hot wire yet.

I've learned two things during my bear electric fence research:
1) The charge needs to be strong enough.
2) You absolutely need to bait the bear. Put pieces of tin foil with peanut butter on them at snout level. When the bear goes to investigate, he'll get zapped exactly where you want him to.

As you've already learned, they're so well insulated they'll just walk through most things. Training him with the baited wire is your best bet.

Best of luck getting re-established, and again, I'm so very sorry. :hugs
I'm so very sorry!
We've not had bears here (yet) but I too have researched this, and @thecatumbrella found the same information I've seen.
Premier1supplies.com has excellent advice and products, online and by phone, look them up. The charger needs to be very potent, more than one wire, and baited.
I've seen pictures where bears have torn through cars, and house walls, so really good electric is best. Also it needs to be set up near an actual wall, not 'out in space', so there's a stopping point near the electric fencing.
Coops that aren't close to your house are higher risk of being destroyed by bears.
Most bears will run once they're detected. I've never had one in my yard to my knowledge but we have had them in our driveway. My coops 20 ft from my house.

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