A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

I bought a pot of hyacinth flowers at the garden show last week and planted them today. My honey bees found them before I even got them in the ground. It was a beautiful day for mid March with temperatures in the lows 60s. Hyacinths are not due to bloom in this area for another few weeks, so this was a real treat for the bees.
Very cool! Were you wearing your bee keeper suit or are your bees friendly enough not to wear it?
Congratulations happyhensny!

We've had unusually warm weather here for the last half of March, so mine started flying a couple of weeks ago. Last Sunday I did my first inspection of the year. They had the inner cover pretty well glued down. When I finally got it up, I saw that they had built some comb between the inner cover and the top of the top super. It had a little honey in it and a whole boatload of juveniles were feeding on it. I got this hive last spring (so I'm a newb) and I was wondering if this means I should be putting one (or more) honey supers on it? Is it too early for that? I just ordered a floating feeder. I've been enjoying this so much I'm ready to get another hive this year!
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