A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

Another beekeeping thread on byc?? awesome! I'm currently on page 50. I love reading about everyones beek adventures.

I plan on starting my hive next year. I just recently got interested in it, and am reading a lot. That gives me plenty of time to research everything I need/want and slowly acquire it.
I just joined the local beekeepers assoc. and will be attending a beginners class in a couple of weeks.
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Another beekeeping thread on byc??  awesome!  I'm currently on page 50.  I love reading about everyones beek adventures. :pop

I plan on starting my hive next year. I just recently got interested in it, and am reading a lot. That gives me plenty of time to research everything I need/want and slowly acquire it.
I just joined the local beekeepers assoc. and will be attending a beginners class in a couple of weeks.
wow I should have done that a beginners class?? Never knew something like that existed. My bees seem to be doing okay. Quick question for all the apiains (??) how long on average does it take a nuk to fill one empty frame.
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how long on average does it take a nuk to fill one empty frame.
Edited by Evelle - Today at 2:49 am

Very hard question to answer. It depends on a lot of things like; the number of bees in the nuc,, time of year, nectar flow, breed of the bees, health of the bees, if the frame is empty or has foundation in it, and the list goes on. Typically, an average size,(established) nuc. in good health and with a good nectar flow could fill one frame with foundation in just a few days. Hope this helps.
I've been keeping bees for 4 years and in years 2 and 3 had a lot of small hive beetles in my hives. Last summer I got chickens and this year I have no hive beetles. My chickens spend a lot of time scratching around my hives (although they are quite respectful of the bees coming and going from the hives and don't get directly in front of them while the bees are flying). Nice to have a natural way to get rid of pests!
My Grandmother-In-Law?? has bees in West Va and I thought it was so cool. Then about 2 years ago my dad started talking about Bees... Im going to make this my next "farm" animal. Im excited to have found this post now my dad and I can do something together. My parents are actually moving closer to me (in the country from the city.. duh!!!) it will be exciting to help him ;) Off to find a bee club!

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