A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

got my first bees today it was a package they are still going into the hive...so excited
I have a question and I'm sorry if it has been asked a hundred times, but I'm in kinda hurry!! (aren't we all
)! I'm putting the wax in my frames. I purchased pins to secure the sides of the wax. The wax already has crimped wire thru them. I was just watching a youtube video on putting them together, and the gentleman just used bobbi pins! They went in so easy! I tried to put a pin in and it seems to be bigger than the hole. It will only go so far. Then the "split" is a little to close together to get over the wax. Has anyone used bobbi pins? My first time with bees. I have a friend that is looking for a swarm and I understand they should be starting any day now. That is why I'm in a hurry, so please forgive me for not reading the entire thread. I will, I promise!
My bees arrived today! It was so exciting placing them in their hives. This evening my husband and I walked out to the hives and all was quiet, just a few bees were peeking out the little entrance.

I love your hive!! Will have to do that next time! I also love the color! I'm in a hurry, as usual, so I'm going with white as of now. It is all I have.
I have this type of jacket. I prefer it over the other style. I've never been stung through it anywhere, including the head.

In other news, one of my hives I keep on a friend's farmette swarmed yesterday and I just happened to be there at the time. Even better news was that it landed very low on an electric fence. Once I got the fence turned off, the swarm was easy to recover (the wire they landed on wasn't hot, but the one above it was). The bees are now nicely housed in a nuc in my backyard and were out taking orientation flights this afternoon. Here's a pic of the swarm.

That is awesome!! I'm waiting on a friend of mine to find me a swarm. She helps the local county bee person with swarms. I'm still getting my hive ready!
Time just gets away from me.
Hi everyone

I'm so excited, I finally get to join this thread! My hive has been painted and sitting in my bedroom for a while now, but yesterday we finally got to pick up our bees

I put them in their purple box (though I couldn't find the queen
) as soon as we got home and they were surprisingly docile. When I checked on them a while later, this is what I found:

They were flying everywhere! They eventually settled in for the night though. When I checked on them this morning, around 6 am, there wasn't any crazy action, but there was a steady stream of busy bees bringing lots of pollen back!

My daughter got a pretty big kick out of their "pollen britches" and I thought the difference in color was pretty cool. We're finding our new bees to be pretty amazing!
Hi everyone

I'm so excited, I finally get to join this thread! My hive has been painted and sitting in my bedroom for a while now, but yesterday we finally got to pick up our bees

I put them in their purple box (though I couldn't find the queen
) as soon as we got home and they were surprisingly docile. When I checked on them a while later, this is what I found:

They were flying everywhere! They eventually settled in for the night though. When I checked on them this morning, around 6 am, there wasn't any crazy action, but there was a steady stream of busy bees bringing lots of pollen back!

My daughter got a pretty big kick out of their "pollen britches" and I thought the difference in color was pretty cool. We're finding our new bees to be pretty amazing!

Awesome!! Fascinating! Can't wait to get mine started. I have had a hive for several years, or part of one someone gave me. Bought the rest of it last year, and now this year I hope is the year I finally get started!
I have a question and I'm sorry if it has been asked a hundred times, but I'm in kinda hurry!! (aren't we all
)! I'm putting the wax in my frames. I purchased pins to secure the sides of the wax. The wax already has crimped wire thru them. I was just watching a youtube video on putting them together, and the gentleman just used bobbi pins! They went in so easy! I tried to put a pin in and it seems to be bigger than the hole. It will only go so far. Then the "split" is a little to close together to get over the wax. Has anyone used bobbi pins? My first time with bees. I have a friend that is looking for a swarm and I understand they should be starting any day now. That is why I'm in a hurry, so please forgive me for not reading the entire thread. I will, I promise!

I've answered my own question!!
I used the pins I purchased. After the first one, it was easy peasy! I have the foundations in except for 2. I'm still cleaning the 1 and the other one I'm going to have to repair. Then I still have to paint it. It is dumping rain here, so I guess that will have to wait. I do have another question though. Can you use gorilla glue in the beehive? I just need to use a little bit as the little slat that holds the foundation, split off on one end where the nail was.
I just thought of another question. For you that just recieved your bees, did you have them ordered for a while, or is it to late to order? Just in case I don't get a swarm. I really want my bees this year.
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