A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

they are bringing out the new plastic comb.
Well....got that stand apart to see what it's made of. It's some kind of composite, but I think I can seal it up and use it for a few years without too much trouble by painting it well in side and out. I'm also amazed at how sweetly a deep frame fits right down into this box, like it was made for it!
I'll have to add a back and a bottom to it, can use the drawer tracks to support the frames, and can extend the top to give me a little overhang and wrap it in metal to protect it. Just a few tweaks and I should have a mighty cute looking beehive! I can even use the Lang frames if I please, but I'm still wanting to use Lang frames modified into a top bar hybrid.

Will post a pic when I get it all done and set up for baiting.
LOVE the color of your hives!!! I was just telling my mother that bee hives don't HAVE to be white and that I was going to paint mine a nontraditional color, more like yours....lovely, unexpectedly cheerful.
LOVE the color of your hives!!! I was just telling my mother that bee hives don't HAVE to be white and that I was going to paint mine a nontraditional color, more like yours....lovely, unexpectedly cheerful.
Thank you! They are SUPER easy to paint and we love how they turned out. I did research on the colors that bees see before selecting colors. When I was looking up info I didn't see anything about beehives having to be white or if bees preferred some colors. I did avoid using red. Also, my kids painted them. I think the cheery colors helps to curve some of their fears. They won't be going near the hives but they were still a part of this project and they really think they are Awesome!
Also, the paint was $0.50 Oops paint samples from Home Depot! So cheap and easy!
Good luck. I can't wait to see what colors you decide to paint yours.

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