A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

Yellowjackets can decimate a hive, a club member lost three hives to yellowjackets. Those giant red wasps you're talking about are probably cicada killers, they don't bother honeybees.
Yellowjackets can decimate a hive, a club member lost three hives to yellowjackets. Those giant red wasps you're talking about are probably cicada killers, they don't bother honeybees.

I think the only wasps that are bee killers are only native to Japan an China region.....

Didnt know about yellojackets.... We have enough of them here that they made it out school mascot.
Yellowjackets can decimate a hive, a club member lost three hives to yellowjackets. Those giant red wasps you're talking about are probably cicada killers, they don't bother honeybees.

Now that I think about it, I do believe the YouTube video was of yellowjackets. Is that the only predator that kills honey bees en mass?
My Dad has lost hives to yellow jackets and had a lot of robbing done by hornets too, if I remember right. Mostly it was the small hives that were lost. He never lost a large, strong colony to invaders because the fight them off if they can.

I have a question (from my skeptical room mates) no one here has asked:
Do your bees and chickens cohabitate well? Should they be separated by a fence?
I had both growing up and I do not recall any problems. The chickens free ranged in the field with the hives which were just out in the open. I know they weren't fenced because I remember going out as a kid when I needed alone time and sitting on top of the hives in the sunshine. My brother, for whatever reason, tends to make bees feel defensive, but they have never bothered me. I have only been stung thrice, and all 3 were yellowjackets- but even so it was not aggression but accidental stings. My Dad actually goes out and pulls frames out in jeans and a t shirt and brushes bees off them with his bare hands to show curious visitors what the frames look like. Animals like us.

I miss bees. Anyone on this thread in my area? Would be nice to have a bee buddy in Southern Oregon.
Never could stand guineas.
My chickens and honeybees are within 20' of each other and there have been no problems whatsoever. And yes, guinea hens can wreak havoc on bee hives, they can't be kept together.
When you guys say you feed them...what is that? And what do you feed them? flowers? Sugar water??
That is awesome! I've been told to feed them when nectar is unavailable or inadequate(previously and erroneously said all the time), as I am starting my first year, I won't be collecting any honey; it is all for the bees the first year. We have a shorter growing season down here and many bee starve over winter if not fed starting in late summer through winter.
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