A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

Ordered a bee package from Weaver's in TX tonight. I chose the All-American package and queen instead of the Buckfast that I had originally wanted. They just seemed to be more enthusiastic about the All-American's in their description and they sounded like what I wanted.

They will be delivered sometime in the first part of May....a swarm in May is like a sunny day...at least that is what I've heard!
Can't wait to have my first bees!

Anyone have any good reviews on Weaver's Apiary? Any opinions about the All-Americans?
Congratulations on getting your bees ordered! You will love having them!

I don't know anything about Weaver's as we always get our bees locally as we want bees that have been raised in the northern states where they may be more tolerant to the climate here. Also by buying northern bred bees there is no chance of getting any AHB (Africanized) blood in the bees. We have Russian bees.

I believe that the "All American" bees that Weaver's sell are an "improved" Italian Bee. They should be good bees.
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For those who order their bees... why did you decide to order them rather than trap or lure a swarm? I have my hive all set up and just need to paint it, then I will be putting pheromones inside to try and lure some bees my way. I didn't even know you could order them before reading it here.
why did you decide to order them rather than trap or lure a swarm?

In this area, there are more beekeepers than swarms and since most of them have been around a LOT longer than I have, they always seem to get the call. Plus, by ordering, you know what exactly you have, how healthy they are, how fertile the queen is, etc. Less chance, I think, to accidentally pick up a disease. But lots of folks do like hiving swarms. Ordering them means you know when you'll get them and can be ready, too.

JMO, of course!

Another thing to worry about is if you live in an area with known Africanized bee colonies - AHBs colonize an area by swarming, they're very swarmy - I would rather get my bees from a known source than to catch swarms, especially if I were a newer beekeeper.
Thanks for posting that!
Makes me feel a bit better. I am still outside the map (even if thats only because it ends at state lines) so I hopefully won't have to worry for a while. Great thing to have here, and I am sure it will help persuade the roomies that we need bees!
All advertised nucs in my state have been snatched up and local beeks don't sell nucs, at least near me, so I had to order. Now I'm being told by fellas on Beemaster.com that Weavers most likely won't ship to WV...too far to insure live bees when they get there.

I would have loved to lure or capture a swarm and that was my first intention....cheaper and would have been a great experience. Come to find out, upon inquiry, no local swarms have ever been heard of or reported to any local agency or office. There are only a few beeks in this or surrounding counties and I'm sure they are called by the natives before any reporting is done.

So...this is me, hopping around on one leg and typing this with my remaining hand/arm to tell you that bee packages through the mail are expensive things!! No wonder folks get discouraged when their bees die....too expensive to do this over and over.
Thanks for the information!

I got my smoker and outfit in the mail today, not too much left to do before I can set out my hive and hope to get a swarm!

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