A BEE thread....for those interested in beekeeping.

If you leave frames out for a week, don't be surprised if the bees build comb in any spaces that they can fit it in.
A friend just had this happen in two or three days with a package he put in and left out some frames. If a package is getting sugar syrup or nectar they will start building. This goes back to the basic rule of "bee space" less than 1/4 inch or 3/8 inch-they will fill it up usually with propolis----greater than 3/8 inch they will fill it with comb.

Good luck with your package. This is the most exciting time in the beekeeping year.

Well, the bee box is in the hive for that week, as I am doing the do-nothing method with my first batch of bees...as soon as the week is up I'll put the rest in. It is what I was told to do... I'm sure I'll have some cleanup every time I open the hive...it's all good.

Well, I'm going to concur with JP - you should put the frames in immediately. Why let them expend energy building come you're going to have to remove? It's a waste of their resources, it takes a lot of sugar syrup to create the wax they make, it should be directed towards building comb they can use this early in the installation - it's a stressful time for the colony. Just something to keep in mind. We've done the 'do nothing' install, but the next day we take the box out and put in the frames.
We're supposed to get our packages on the 24th. At least this year we're getting all ten that we ordered. Six for the backyard here, one for Mom's, and three are going into eight-frame equipment up north. I can't wait till I've got bees in the backyard again!
We put a 2nd super on 3 out of 5 of our hives yesterday. It looks like one of those hives is planning to swarm as there were quite a few swarm cells present. We put out a bait hive with swarm lure & hope to catch the swarm if it goes.
What exactly is a swarm lure and does it work? s it just pheromones that I have seen for sale? I bought 3 packages of bees this year, installed them all a few weeks ago. 1 week after install, one hive decided to look for a new home! That was literally money that disappeared into thin air. Now i have an empty hive that I'd love to fill with a swarm. It should really already smell like bees as I had a hive in there last year but they didn't last the winter due to lack of honey stores.
Managed to get myself stung for the first time today. I was sitting in my normal spot watching the action when I felt a pinch on my right shoulder (the one facing away from the hive). A bee was busily stinging me. I was wearing a dark colored shirt and had a minute or so before adjusted the fence section that keeps the hive out of view of the neighbors. I'm assuming that action must have annoyed this particular bee.
What exactly is a swarm lure and does it work? s it just pheromones that I have seen for sale? I bought 3 packages of bees this year, installed them all a few weeks ago. 1 week after install, one hive decided to look for a new home! That was literally money that disappeared into thin air. Now i have an empty hive that I'd love to fill with a swarm. It should really already smell like bees as I had a hive in there last year but they didn't last the winter due to lack of honey stores.

It is Swarming pheromones that has a scent sort of like "lemon Pledge" that comes in a small plastic vial that is sold be most beekeeping supply companies. You place the vial in an empty hive box (with frames & foundation) where you want to attract a swarm to. Some people do use lemon grass oil or fresh lemon oils in the bait hive and it always helps to have fresh smelling beeswax in the hive. If it you are using new new equipment you can add an extra coating of melted bees wax to the foundation (if using plastic foundation) or just put a small amount of beeswax in the hive. Swarms are more likely to go to a hive if it smells of wax. We have found that bees are more likely to draw out comb on plastic foundation if it an extra coating of bees wax is added.


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