A Bielefelder Thread !

me 2 but I'm n Tx. Can't seem to find any breeders here

I'm hoping to breed mine before the year is up, but I only have three pullets and one breeding cockerel. If I can get all of my pens built and my flocks properly organized, I plan to purchase some chicks from GFF this fall. I normally cringe at the idea of my local post office getting their hands on live chicks, but after a couple of horrible experiences (and one positive one) with Biel hatching eggs I decided it's just smarter to go directly to the source.
Is anyone working on a Club or a set of Standards for the Bielefelders? We are probably going to start showing some of ours this fall or next spring in some of the shows that allow "Back Yard" breeds. We enjoy showing in those classes to get exposure for the newer breeds. We would love to be able to show them in the APA shows.


Ernie Haire
Poultry 2XL
Arp, Texas

I'm from Missour. I am raising Bielfelders and would like to help in any way to start a Bielfelders Club.

Brian Brown
Agency, Mo
blbrown8836@yahoo. com
Hi! I'm in the Chapel Hill area of NC and am looking for a breeding pair of Bielefelders. I think I saw a post from someone in SC who has some - could you respond please? Thanks!
No. Mine are very afraid of the rain, unless it is a light sprinkle. Either they're not very smart or they're just to afraid to run for cover, like in their coop. They will sit on top of each other while screaming, run all over the yard, try to escape out of the yard, and shove themselves into tight spaces. I will go catch them and put them into the coop, and they immediately calm down. I worry they will never grow out of this behavior.
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I'm from Missour. I am raising Bielfelders and would like to help in any way to start a Bielfelders Club.

Brian Brown
Agency, Mo
blbrown8836@yahoo. com
I have been working on trying to obtain a standard and start a club to help get this breed recognized. I have been promised a copy of the proposed standard from the UK but haven't receive it yet. It is looking like the Bielefelder community will have to come together and write our own so the we can being the application process for the APA.
I have been working on trying to obtain a standard and start a club to help get this breed recognized. I have been promised a copy of the proposed standard from the UK but haven't receive it yet. It is looking like the Bielefelder community will have to come together and write our own so the we can being the application process for the APA.

Let me know how I can help.
Quote: First: I am more than happy that GFF imports european breeds. We in Europe lost so many wounderful livestock breeds in the last decades, it's a shame. If some breeds can make it to the Amerikas and finde new friends, no matter if they breed for fun, show or produktion, I am happy for that breed b/c every year it get's harder to keep your chickens here,

Secound: The backyard breeder.... Well til the late 19th century all breeds where backyard or farmyard breeds. Historically, clubs. standards and shows are rather a sign of the emerging middle class and a growing self-confidence of the ordinary citizens, than a necessary tool for the development and maintenance of a breed. While many breeds owe their survival to the show-breeders, we should be critical about shows. Standards can be interpreted differently and not all breeds have benefited from being popular at shows and with show breeders.
Particularly evident is the "dark side of the shows" in pet breeds. Many former working dog breeds were bred to handsome medical emergencies in a very short time under maximum cash outlay by show breeders. And unfortunatly some of our heritage chicken breeds are in danger of going down that road, too.
Therefore, I would like to say at this point that a beautiful chicken is always a healthy, balanced animal- Joie de vivre, that is beautiful, Colours and such are secound-rate at best.

The breeding for show.... if you ever bred for show you know what it means. You raise 100+ chicks to get 5 excellent birds. In a good year you may get 10 or 15 really good birds out of the hundert chicks. No show breeder I know has room for the 80+ birds, maybe they can sell 10 or 20 that are on the brink to show bird to hobbists but most of the chicks not only get culled they get killed at a very young age.
Something I am not very fond of, so I stay a backyard breeder with a occasional show bird and many, many happy, healthy not-that-good-birds.
So if you buy a pullet from a show breeder you by one of the 10 or 20 good birds that will not earn a ribbon but have no real mistakes and at a show breeders yard you will only see those and the show birds b/c all other bird just don't make it to the pullet age.
Correct me if I am wrong, Stone, but even with excellent breeding pair most of the offsprings would never make it into the champions league of the chicken shows and when GFF sells one-day-old chickens they just can not sort out the non-champions. Even some more serious mistakes are not visible in a day-old-chick and so sometimes the chick may not develop into the stunning bird it should be.
As long as you breed unrelated birds you have to deal with the gauss curve, so i would be much more suspicious if all birds would have the same quality b/c given that you can't sort out at that age, i would presume that we had a case of havy inbreeding.

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