A Bielefelder Thread !

Our first chicks from our flock:

I just sat here and read from the beginning of the thread. I am even more excited about my chicks now, if that is possible. I ordered a mix from GFF. (On a side note, you don't have to go thru the auction to buy from them. They have a website, I'm sure most of you know but it seemed as if people were only counting the auction sales. Now back to my wonderful chicks.) I now have 9 Bielfelder eating machines. I also received some other chicks but I am most excited about these because they sent me enough to breed. 3 males and 6 females! I haven't decided if I should have 3 trios or 2 quads with a spare rooster, maybe rotate the roosters. Still a long way off, chicks are only 12 days old but I am planning my new pens so they are ready for the youngsters when it's time for them to move out on their own. I have not seen an adult in person, only read about how large. What size pens for these guys? I will let them out to roam but they will be in there most of the time. Does anyone have a picture of their pens? I love to see others to 2get ideas.
I would also like to add that Sunbird Farms also has nice Bielefelders. Not sure if they are selling eggs just yet but Sunbird Farms is a regular contributor to this thread.
We just love ours and expect they will be a very popular purchase here at our farm. We have begun a new coop and run project in anticipation of their popularity. They are gorgeous and very hardy also.
I would also like to add that Sunbird Farms also has nice Bielefelders.  Not sure if they are selling eggs just yet but Sunbird Farms is a regular contributor to this thread.

Thanks DCchicken. We have just recently hatched a pair and they will be available soon.
-Brice @ SF
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I've been reading these forums for some time and this is where I first read about the Bielefelders. We wanted to add to our herd of 4 and they seemed like a good match for our docile Russian Orloffs so we decided to get some. We received our Bielefelder chicks yesterday from Omega Hills Farm (very helpful) and they are adorable. All arrived happy, warm and lively! We ordered 3 females and received an extra female along with 2 males so we'll need to re-home the males at some point, probably each with a female to make it easier to find a home. Although, I'm not sure if the the boys and girls are siblings or if it matters...? We've had chickens for a while, but never chicks so this has been very exciting for my sons. They are constantly checking on them and making sure they are ok.

How long should we keep the chicks inside? We have them in our house with a heat lamp and nights here are currently around 27 degrees. Our chicken house is a shed with a cement floor which gets rather cold right now. I wouldn't want them to get chilled before they are old enough to handle the cold. Plus my boys would be so upset if anything happened to their new friends! :)

I start my newly hatched at 100 degrees under the heat lamp with room to get away to cool off. Then I bring them down 5-10 degrees a week until they are at outside temp. Obviously this time of year you have to take outside temp into account. Generally once they feather out just a 75 watt light bulb is sufficient after fully feathered.

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