A Big Morning in a chicks life.


10 Years
Jan 27, 2009
Crestview, Fl
We Have 4 RIRs, 5 OBs, 7 EEs and 10 Comets that are a bit over 4 weeks old. They have been in the brooder in our bathroom (man, that’s a lot of dust, but that’s other story
) anyway, DH and I were getting ready for work this morning. The chicks were doing what chicks do (eating, pooping and making a general mess) when all of a sudden we heard it…what you ask?? BUCK, BUCK!!!!
Oh ya, one of the babies said her first word. We knew it wouldn’t be “mommy” or anything but HEY, it’s still a big step. Now, DH is a big fella. 6’2, almost 200lbs and all muscle. Not what you would call the excitable type. But he about jumped. “Did you hear that??” He looked over the edge of the brooder and said “Alright, which one of you did that” I swear to you, they all looked up at him in total silence.
“Come on, fess up, which one of you did that” As if I was not laughing enough
, my big mountain man began trying to get them to do it again. Yup, “BUCK, BUCK, BUCK” for a few minutes until it hit him. (Man I bet I look really stupid right now). He just looked at me and all I could do was give him a big kiss on the cheek and tell him “Welcome to the rodeo cowboy, you’re a chicken person now” Still don't know which one did it but that's o.k. I'm sure we'll be hearing it again. Silly I know, but I just had to share.
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Love it!!! Isn't it great to see a soft side to big men!!!?????
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yes it happens to most of us men. We pitch and pitch (it's a family site ya know
) and then we melt all over when we think no one's looking. It happened to me too. The first time one of the girls told us she laid an egg I went nuts. "Honey did you hear that? Did ya? Did ya? It sounds just like on TV!" And then I proceeded to make that sound all day. My co-workers thought I was nuts.

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