A bit of a rant but also a question, dog owner manners..

Many years I've had dogs. Never, had I ever taken them to some ones house. The only time I asked some one to take their dog out, was when I had a small child with me and I was afraid of the dog, and I knew he had bit the owner. The dog also growled at my kid. That was the last time I set foot in the house, the owner of the dog said no, they would not put up the dog. But, I have never taken my dog to some one's house, I tell everyone one of my friends it will be nice to see you, please don't bring your dog, I have chickens. They free range in the afternoon. Good Luck, I hope she learns to house train, and have fun with her new pet. I hope you keep you keep your friend and your dogs run free! ruby
Because she shouldn't have to then clean out a crate full of pee or poo when her inconsiderate, selfish friend leaves? Just my thoughts...

I would politely ask your friend to leave her dog in the car or at home.
Sounds like a plan... and be ready with a paper towel to hand to HER when her grown dog makes a mess while your puppy doesn't.

Good grief, that's really just... I mean if you took your kiddo with to visit and they had a poopy diaper would you make THEM change YOUR child? No. Your child (or pet) your poop. Seems SO obvious...
That sounds like a very good way to go about it Tara (if I may call you that). A good compromise by having your youngster out, and a good way to get the talk going in a way that shouldn't totally offend this person who as you describe is a dear friend.

I must say I kinda like the idea of handing her a roll of paper towels if need be too, but that is of course up to you as well!
I hope it works out really well for you all.
I would not allow her to have her dog run loose in the house. I would tell her on arrival that you will be crating your adult dogs this one last time only so that the pup can socialize but you expect her to keep her dog on leash since it has a record of bad behavior that you don't want the pup exposed to, such as garbage grabbing and house breaking issues. As for her saying that 'he never does that at home' I think it's best you call her on that, since you have seen it at her place, and tell her she is not doing her dog any good by letting these things slide. Be clear to her that from here forward your dogs will be loose in your home and she is expected to have her dog in control and well behaved at all times.

I don't mind others visiting with their dogs if they ask first, and they keep the dog in control. I'd shoot a dog that chased my chickens, even if it came to visit with it's owner! And no way if they made a mess that I'd be the one cleaning up!
My first instinct was to put her dog in a crate! However, if you are pottytraining a large dog, you cannot have her dog peeing and pooping everywhere!! Even when you clean it, the puppy will see/smell it, and the damage will be done. Not to mention the other bad behaviors. You risk losing all the progress you've made with your puppy.
And while I don't personally care for chihuahuas, I'd much rather clean up after one of those, than a St.Bernard who picked up bad habits from a visiting menace.

Yep...I'm with Katy on this one. If she is dense enough to bring her little ankle-biter into a home that has dogs big enough to crap a chi, then she can see just what size her dog really is. Your dogs will likely just ignore the little charm blossom....mine always did. They would look at those small dogs, cock their heads in puzzlement and just walk away.

As for the going potty in the house.....THIS I would not allow. If it did have an accident, I would hand her cleaner and a rag and watch vigilantly while she cleaned up every last scent molecule.

This "friend" is either deliberately obtuse or there are no brain cells touching...either way, she needs a lesson in doggy etiquette.
It's funny you brought this up, but I have a Boston Terrier who is for the most part a great dog, but he has dominance issues with other dogs. My friends have a house full of family dogs so with their permission, I put him in the back yard with all five of their dogs. It was so cool how these dogs worked together to teach my BT some manners. In the end, my BT was still dominant, but that is because that is how he is and the pack was cool with it, even 130lb golden lab. I'd bet your mastiffs would do the same for Chi if the Chi wasn't too neurotic. (If it was, good riddance!)

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