a bobcat, of all things

Personally I like SKS 7.62 x 39 with 30 round clip in case it runs!
I still like the .22. It will kill most anything. I even shot a deer in the head, one shot and it dropped dead on the spot. Just put the round in the right place and it's over. I don't care for the shotguns cuz of the noise. That's one reason I don't use my .300 mag. It's just so loud. I was shooting one day and my neighbor said it sucked the air out of his house.
A bobcat is not what would be termed a "big game" animal and I am certain that if someone is set on killing one it could easily be done with a 22, shotgun or almost anything else. For me, I opt to not killing bobcats. I like seeing them once in a while along with other wildlife and would prefer to try and set my coop and run in a way that would allow me to have my chickens and still have the surrounding wildlife. I did not choose to live in the middle of a 200 acre pine and palmetto forest to see if I can eliminate my neighbors. Only my opinion.
Thanks to everyone who posted such understanding replies/advice. I was so sad that I couldn't even get on this website for a few months. And it just now made me sad re-reading what happened

So here's the update... my husband wanted to go the gun route (thanks again for all the gun specific advice), but I couldn't handle any more death. So we had a company come out with a trap the evening after the chicken homicide. They set up the trap near the chicken coop and said to call them as soon as we trapped something and they'd take it somewhere far away and release it. So of course the dang bobcat never came back. We had the trap for almost 3 weeks and I caught two things... Cindy, our Buff Brahama, who was wandering around and thought she'd check the trap out (it works!) and the neighbors big fat orange cat, who was so ticked off after spending a long, hot, summer day in the trap, that I thought she might bite my face off. So I'm not sure I would ever recommend the trap route. Expensive and you might not catch what you wanted to catch.

On a happy note, we did purchase two new chicks about a week after Stella's death. We picked a Buff Orpington and a "mystery chick" in Alamo. The guy at the hay and feed store said that the shipper included a few chicks in his order that he didn't request and he wasn't sure what they were. After a few internet searches we thought we had an Ancona, but a couple of weeks later the chick started sprouting a cute little mohawk and we were not sure what we had. Perhaps a mutant? And then the mohawk slowly gave way to a pompadour. So freakin' cute. And I was finally able to figure out that we have a White Crested Black Polish. All of the chickens have such distinct personalities, but little Wiz (the polish) just cracks me up.

Midge (the Barred Rock) became the dominant hen after Stella's demise and then it took FOREVER for the four chickens to actually kind of be civil to each other and be in the same pen. But they all seem to tolerate each other now except that lately Sunny (the Buff Orpington, who is 2 months younger) has become bigger than Midge size wise (although she would never try to do anything mean to any of the chickens... she's always so polite), and little Wiz... who really is the smallest of the bunch, has become pretty agressive. Is that normal? Little Wiz will actually get up in Midge's face and squawk at her... even fly up and try to peck at Midge. And Wiz has even been doing that to Cindy now, who is the most mellow chicken ever. Almost like little Wiz wants to start some s$%t. I'm thinking that maybe little Wiz (the polish) just had enough crap from everyone and is saying that she's not going to take it anymore! Thoughts?
I tried traping bobcat for a long time on and off. Different locations, set ups, baits, etc. Never trapped one, only tons possum/raccoons.

IMHO to protect vs. bobcats (ive lost chickens, guinea hens, a goat and an Emu now ...yes an Emu) is secure after dark houseing for the animals and activly hunting them after dark.

I hear steeltraps/etc work better, but I'm not doing steel leg traps.
Thanks for the update, shangrawla. How 'bout some pics of this little Wiz of yours. Sounds adorable in a bratty kind of a way!

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