A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.


The top roost is about a foot or more from the wall and the next one is 20-22” away from the top one even though the photo angle makes it look like everything is scrunched up.
I went out to closer up the coops tonight and there was all sorts of Compton coming from the turkey coop. I went in and there was an all out brawl going on! Romeo and Tommy were at it again, which was no big surprise but Mister and Cuddles were fighting too! Mister must have found his testosterone and Cuddles didn't want to hear it. What drama! I managed to seperate Mister and Cuddles without TOO much hassle but no matter how hard I tried, Romeo and Tony wouldn't stop. I just gave up and turned off the lights and left. They can't fight well if they can't see each other lol
Oh wow...drama in the coop! My girls will get into it briefly before they start laying for the season. They did last year & I can feel the tension this year although I haven't seen them fight. It's quite a show. I had to go in the house & drink a beer. My first inclination was to separate them. But I remembered everyone saying to let them settle it. Daisy was extremely upset. When they stopped, Daisy practically flew across the yard & landed in my lap. All that drama ended with some bruises & small bite marks. Luckily they quit after a couple days of sporadic squabbles. The funny thing is how the chickens went & hid in their coop.
Mine have been doing a lot of jostling for position past few days. The lead tom decided to challenge me the other day. After the second sneak attack from behind I went after him. Now he keeps some distance but I do not take my eyes off him. He is headed to the freezer this weekend since I have decided not to use for breeding.
I will be moving the hens to their own space this week. They are all 26 weeks old today except the one becoming dinner. He will be going to Kansas City with me next week when I go down to do some remodeling on a friends house to get it ready to go on the market in April.
All my hens are now penned up for the egg laying season.

Kept my narri hens. So they are penned with my narri Tom.

Bourbons are 1 yearling Tom to 4 hens. And a 2 year old Tom to 7 hens.

They aren't happy with me for penning them. I couldn' make them understand it was for their well being
Mine have been doing a lot of jostling for position past few days. The lead tom decided to challenge me the other day. After the second sneak attack from behind I went after him. Now he keeps some distance but I do not take my eyes off him. He is headed to the freezer this weekend since I have decided not to use for breeding.
I will be moving the hens to their own space this week. They are all 26 weeks old today except the one becoming dinner. He will be going to Kansas City with me next week when I go down to do some remodeling on a friends house to get it ready to go on the market in April.

Get rid of the Girls! They are always the ones causing the trouble. The Boys are great when the girls reside in a nunnery.*

* They are so like humans aren't they?

So I did a no no and brought home a splay legged chick from the feed store. I got some vet wrap so once she settles in some I’ll be trying to hobble her leg the right way. She does get around well by hopping and flapping and kind of toe-tapping to balance so we’ll see if she’s too far injured to recover. I took her because the other birdies in the sick recovery tank were picking on her and she’s growing like crazy, just a bit clumsy! So since she’s growing so well and gets around to eat/drink I wanted to give her a chance. Still grips things with her odd leg so it’s not dead but we’ll see how she does (I’ve read a bunch of older posts on the chick forums about it). Might be slipped tendon, might be splay leg... Either way have her on nutri drench to get more vitamins into her system.

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