A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Power outage today because someone ran into a power pole and there was arcing lines that started a brush fire... At least wasn’t super hot and they got the fire out but have my incubator going. Had a battery backup I was able to hook it to the incubator so only went off for 20 minutes.

Anyone remember when my hen went broody? :lol: Trying to decide when to give her the boot or let her keep trying. There’s some newer eggs she stole from others though soooo don’t even know how old her eggs are lol.
I have had 18 chicken broodies those since the heat hit have been having poor hatches... The last 4 this weekend got what ever they found.
Easier than trying to break them and the cockerels can fill the freezer
Hey guys! My little guy is still alive and growing. I think it is okay to give him a name now. If he doesn't make it it'll be for some other reason. If anyone has ideas for names let me know. Right now all I have is lucky or miracle lol.

Is it normal for my Tom to wimp out on me during a moult? Its all of my big guys first time. He normaly follows me like a dog and puffs up to impress me or challenge my hubby but lately I don't even see him unless I look.
I have decided that one of my juvies is a tom.... his snod is getting bigger and he is displaying quite a bit.... and he is going bald. It's the black one that I thought was going to be a Tom so no big deal but now I will have to decide who to keep.
My tom that does not realize he is ugly and should not show off.......
Oh my! He's sure proud of that one remaining feather!!

Oh boy...we are having a cold front move through...going to drop to the low 90's! Yipee.

No signs of molting here yet. Been so darn hot I wouldn't be surprised if they started pulling their feathers out.....

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