A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

On most threads I show off the diamond encrusted creamettes, but on this thread it is the baby turkeys that count.

Day 5!

The blue and the two lilacs. surrounded by million dollar chicks.. I know you are turkey people, BUT look at the cute little girl to the far left, doesn' she look as precious as a diamond?
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Ralph all the chicks are very cute. Do you ever have any leg issues from keeping the chicks on news paper? So many people do wind up with splayed legs from news paper and anything the chicks legs can slip on. I use sand or shavings or rubber shelf liner with holes in it.
I have never had a problem yet.

The smallest one (creamette) had splayed legs in the incubator, so I kept her in it for an extra day and she did fine. It could have been she was just weak or something.

It was not a true splayed legs, I think, as when she sat her legs were under her but when she tried to stand they looked splayed. She was on wire then.

If you keep them on sand how do you get them to eat the crumbles and not the sand, Remember I have turkeys in most my hatches, and we know how stupid baby turkeys are...
I have never had a problem yet.

The smallest one (creamette) had splayed legs in the incubator, so I kept her in it for an extra day and she did fine. It could have been she was just weak or something.

It was not a true splayed legs, I think, as when she sat her legs were under her but when she tried to stand they looked splayed. She was on wire then.

If you keep them on sand how do you get them to eat the crumbles and not the sand, Remember I have turkeys in most my hatches, and we know how stupid baby turkeys are...

Mine are all on shavings & never have a problem with legs unless they hatch with it, usually from shrink wrap. Also never have a problem with them finding food. They eat an occasional wood chip but learn pretty quickly that the stuff in the bowls tastes much better. I ferment, so the food is never scattered on the floor because it's wet. I always brood poults with chicks as tutors, so never have to show them food or water. The chicks do the work for me.
I normally use "red" construction paper/floor underlayment, but my DW set up the infant brooder this time. So lets all yell at her....

It is one of my favorite things to do.

The underlayment paper is not as slippery as the newspaper.
i have a hen that became broody last night, first night on the nest. i have recently noticed that she seems to be losing weight. is this normal for a hen to lose weight BEFORE becoming broody? it could be my eyes playing tricks on me i guess or possibly just that the other hens are catching up to her finally haha. she seems to be healthy and not injured. has been laying an egg every day or every other day for several weeks. this is my first broody turkey hen so any advice and knowledge is appreciated
I have never had a problem yet.

The smallest one (creamette) had splayed legs in the incubator, so I kept her in it for an extra day and she did fine. It could have been she was just weak or something.

It was not a true splayed legs, I think, as when she sat her legs were under her but when she tried to stand they looked splayed. She was on wire then.

If you keep them on sand how do you get them to eat the crumbles and not the sand, Remember I have turkeys in most my hatches, and we know how stupid baby turkeys are...
I either use a week old turkey poult or a chick to teach them to eat and drink out of the dish I still dunk them all just to make sure they all know how so I don't lose any. If they eat the sand it won't hurt them. I have lost a couple turkey from them eating the shavings like chicks like to dig and scratch to eat.
i have a hen that became broody last night, first night on the nest. i have recently noticed that she seems to be losing weight. is this normal for a hen to lose weight BEFORE becoming broody? it could be my eyes playing tricks on me i guess or possibly just that the other hens are catching up to her finally haha. she seems to be healthy and not injured. has been laying an egg every day or every other day for several weeks. this is my first broody turkey hen so any advice and knowledge is appreciated
She may need to be wormed. I use goat wormer pellets from TSC or the feed store to worm mine.
i work at a feed store, we have the liquid wormer but not the pellets although we have the cattle and horse but im pretty sure they are too big for turkeys but i will look. does anybody worm with the liquid wormer?
I have never had to worm my birds, so I don't know anything helpful there. Congrats on the broody though!

Ralph, you move JJ and Ethel into the gulag? Are you selling your diamond and turkey babies?

Does anyone have issues with turkey poults screaming in the middle of the night... or whenever they sense you are not in the room with them? My oh my, Banshee and turkey dinner are LOUD! They hear you come into the room, make eye contact, quiet down.

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