A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Ok, got pix to the tablet finally. Let's see if they will load.
Young red slate tom

Young buff? tom (Too light to be bourbon red)

Young blue palm...not positive of gender yet

2 young bronze mix...hoping both hens

And the one that I was thinking blue sweetgrass for...praying hen!

These are the parents.
Red slate tom, 2 bronze mix hens & 1 lilac or rusty slate hen.


SS, interesting colors!

Fiesty, how nice for you'd boy! Girls, girls, girls! ;)

Aurora, is Pebbles a mom yet? SS, I agree with you, Pebbles has such beautiful coloring.
SS, interesting colors!

Fiesty, how nice for you'd boy! Girls, girls, girls! ;)

Aurora, is Pebbles a mom yet? SS, I agree with you, Pebbles has such beautiful coloring.

Pebbles is another or my babies. Aurora hatched some of my eggs last spring...lol

I get all kinds of crazy colors from my original quad. Can't wait to see what I get when the young ones start laying.
Oh wow....didn't know Pebbles goes back to your birds. Those beautiful feather colors show up in every picture I've seen of her.
SS the bourbon buff, who or what was her parents ? Do you have a picture of his tail spread open? ( I assumed it is a she based on small snood you said I was wrong so little I know..LOL)

That is a beautiful color. Colors excite me more than "pure" lines do.

That said Sidekick has lost his spot in the breeding lineup to a young self blue. While Sidekick is larger framed, the young Tom has better self blue colors. Sidekicks self blue is not "blue" enough he almost has a sandy tinge, not like Porter but too much to keep his spot in the breeding line up.
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Huh...Ralph, post pics of the "other" Tom & Sidekick. Would love to see the difference.

SS, take each individual turkey & set them up on a table for their individual photo shoots! :lol: Okay, that may be asking a lot. But closer pics would help.
I am so happy to be a part of this thread!

I currently have 5 eggs, sent from DuluthRalphie, in the incubator.  2 are from JJ and Ethel, 3 from whomever else in the flock.

I had a broody silkie that I thought would hatch for me.  She didn't like the eggs and rejected the nest after around 12 hours.  The eggs we had her on (decoys) were similar in size, but much darker brown.  She didn't take kindly to the lighter eggs.
So in the incubator they went!

Fingers crossed.  I REALLY want turkeys.  And I really want them to be from JJ and Ethel.  Hopefully Ralph will share some stories of them... they are very cool turkeys.

Drink of choice this morning, coffee. 
I am starting a new thread in hopes we get everyone together on one thread for turkeys instead of several "turkey talk" threads. If I fail, so be it. Rules here are simple.. 1. have fun 2. BYOB 3. at some point mention turkeys. if it goes a tad of topic, who cares. I currently have a dozen, I think, eggs in the incubator they should hatch May 1. I hope. I have one turkey Ethel and her mate JJ free ranging. She has a nest, but who knows where. ( these two are red slates) I have been thinking of buying a tracking device to hang on her neck to find her eggs. Amazon has some for 12 bucks. I have 4 blues in a pen and am collecting eggs from the 3 hens, I am getting 1-3 a day, I have yet to figure out their timing, but they are young'uns. The Tom and 2 hens are self blue the other hen is a splash, which means I should be free of blacks this year. I am a little worried about the free ranging turkeys, They are roosting on the fence for the blues, I have game bird netting covering the blues, I worry the reds will fall off the fence or step on the netting and get caught,,dumb birds... Finally just to show something on the start of the thread... I offer you my little video I took yesterday of the worlds dumbest rooster and the worlds dumbest tom.. The rooster actually started this after fighting with my other rooster who refused to put up with his nonsense. I should mention no birds were hurt in the filming of this. At the end when you hear me say that's enough, I broke them up and shut the gate. They are both too dumb to know they could have flown over the gate to fight again.. BTW my drink of choice tonight is water on the rocks....
Loving the red in her back. Is that just the light or is that red patch always visible? None of my other babies have that!

If you want to show 1-2, start with 8. You WILL almost definitely lose about half since this is the first time you have had them. You want twice as many raised out for showing than what you actually want to show. They are prone to health issues due to their fast growth rate, so you want extras available to choose from at show time. Pick your best for the show. The rest make good Thanksgiving & Christmas diners.

ok, Thanks so much for the help, I probably should have Ordered more, But I HAD to order them right then, Or else I wouldnt get them in time for the fair, I am just going to take every precaution

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