A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I am not completely sure how old she is but I know she is under a year old. She has been sitting for about... eh maybe 4-5 days. There aren't a lot of distractions she has been sitting practically nonstop. Sometimes I have to force her off the nest to stretch her legs. When she does get up though another one of my hens just comes and takes her place. They are all the same age, I have two other hens and a Tom. I tend to check on her everyday, she doesn't mind me coming near and I often give her a handful of feed and I offer her water. I have my incubator already up and ready just in case

I would not force her off the nest, IMHO that will just tend to dissuade her from sitting. I would also block the other turkeys off her nest, I learned that one the hard way no good will come of it. It will get her to stop and can lead to extra eggs. Which you do not want. I never look under my hens when they set.
I would not force her off the nest, IMHO that will just tend to dissuade her from sitting.  I would also block the other turkeys off her nest, I learned that one the hard way no good will come of it.  It will get her to stop and can lead to extra eggs.  Which you do not want.  I never look under my hens when they set.

Alright, so no forcing off the nest. Should I continue to give her food and water or let her get up whenever? Should I enclose her in a solitary pen?
Aurora....what a rotten start to the day. So sorry about the poult. Hope your hen will be okay. I just hate it when they are sick.

Chaos....beautiful! Thanks for the pics. I love the name Ham Head! Also like Denver and Bronco....kids got good taste!! LOL

Ralph....you need to save Andy's photo of him in a purple tutu. Someday when he's a big rooster you can embarrass him in front of the flock!
Still wheezing but not nearly as bad. Mostly just if she gets worked up. Unfortunately, I found one of my roosters with a rattling voice also. He's separated too. I don't know if they're having issues because they were kicking up the bedding in the coop yesterday when I had the big side door open (I have DE under the bedding) or if there's a bigger problem. I picked up some vet rx today to use and also spayed the entire coop and all chickens with an oxine mist. I don't want to cull for this. Especially not my favorite hen :/ nobody else in the coop was having any issues as of tonight.

Today was just a crappy day all around. When I headed down to my daughter's dance class, I took a poult with me who was supposed to meet her new owner and go home. The guy never showed where we were to meet. Poor thing was stuck in a shoe box for at least 3 hours with a hot hands. Got home, tripped over a baby gate with the shoe box in my hands and fell flat on my face. Shook the baby up pretty hard. Hopefully, she's ok :(

I've had enough lousy day for today. I'm ready for it to be over before anything else goes wrong.

*UPDATE* I put some vet rx on Maple's break and under her wings. She's just hanging out, preening her feathers and I haven't heard a single wheeze in a little bit. I'm cautiously optimistic here. As for the baby, she's back to acting like herself. I had picked the most rambunctious poult, who was obsessive over food to take since they only wanted one. She's back to going crazy chasing after food so I'm assuming she didn't get hurt in the fall.
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The other side of there run is nice and dry with no mud. They think its necessary to hang out in the muddy part :confused: My son named the hen Miss Cleo (since the other Cleo died) and the tom he named Ham Head.
Very pretty!! I love the names! I have a Muscovy hen named Cleo after Cleopatra and her bf is named Ceaser.
Ralph I decided to put Mr. T on porters facebook page. Exvept I used my moms facebook
Geez Aurora, hope you didn't hurt yourself! I'm graceful like that myself! Sounds like your poultry is ok. And sounds like your hen is doing better.

Holm...let us know what they say about Mr. T.

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