A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Cute Picture, I love my TV buddies.

I am kind of sad now, The reddish one of the pair of preemies has to go to the gas chamber. The weak leg got worse instead of better. I put it into the turkey roll splint yesterday. It did not get better in there either. Now it is nearly completely crippled and can not walk. I wish I knew why these things happen. I will give it another couple hours before I sent it to never never land..
Cute Picture, I love my TV buddies. 

I am kind of sad now, The reddish one of the pair of preemies has to go to the gas chamber. The weak leg got worse instead of better. I put it into the turkey roll splint yesterday. It did not get better in there either. Now it is nearly completely crippled and can not walk.  I wish I knew why these things happen. I will give it another couple hours before I sent it to never never land..

Sorry ralph. Never easy to cull. But better than it suffering.
Cute Picture, I love my TV buddies. 

I am kind of sad now, The reddish one of the pair of preemies has to go to the gas chamber. The weak leg got worse instead of better. I put it into the turkey roll splint yesterday. It did not get better in there either. Now it is nearly completely crippled and can not walk.  I wish I knew why these things happen. I will give it another couple hours before I sent it to never never land..

I'm sorry Ralph :(
Oh man!!

The heat has dropped a couple degrees. It's clouded up.

Still humid.

But I'm hearing some thunder.

I could use some rain garden is struggling and yard sounds like I'm walking in potato chips in places.

I could use a small break from the heat can't take it the way I used to.
Storm came thru got about an inch of rain.

Cooled it off some but didn't help humidity.

North of me about 20 miles got over 4" of rain.
Ralph I just got home with 5 royal palm poults.The man I got them from threw in two chukar chicks. Turns out chukars can fly. Like to have never got the little devils into the brooder. I placed one chicken chick in the brooder with the new arrivals,hopefully to show them the ropes.
I've never had turkeys,never been around turkeys so I've got alot to learn. I was very suprised at the man's Tom which acted like a dog,not a bird. He lives in town with a fenced off backyard full of pheasant of all types,turkeys and a few oddball chickens. If my birds make it,and they act ANYTHING like his turkeys I will be BUYING Thanksgiving dinner for years to come.
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