A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Ralph I just got home with 5 royal palm poults.The man I got them from threw in two chukar chicks. Turns out chukars can fly. Like to have never got the little devils into the brooder. I placed one chicken chick in the brooder with the new arrivals,hopefully to show them the ropes.
I've never had turkeys,never been around turkeys so I've got alot to learn. I was very suprised at the man's Tom which acted like a dog,not a bird. He lives in town with a fenced off backyard full of pheasant of all types,turkeys and a few oddball chickens. If my birds make it,and they act ANYTHING like his turkeys I will be BUYING Thanksgiving dinner for years to come.

Welcome to the thread.

Enjoy your palms.
I have pets and others.

JJ and Ethel are pets. JJ is like a dog. A woman came and picked up some poults today. She took my TV watcher. I am now nearly poult less again.

She told me she heard Turkeys can become almost like dogs as far as a pet goes. I told her "yep they can"

And called JJ. He gobbled back and wandered towards us to see what was happening. I picked him up and he gobbled now and then. She was amazed. She was even more amazed when I told her all her babies were JJ and all the colors she could have. 2 are jersey something, one looks slateish, the other two are anybody's guess.

Pictures tomorrow I promise..
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You can't really judge stupidity by knowledge you are born with. otherwise...well humans are like one of the most stupid things walking. Turkeys have to be taught.

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