A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

here's one of the burbon red x royal palm poults from March feathering out beautifully. The pattern is neat!
Bantambird....very pretty! Loving the color & feather pattern.

Ralphie...I'm kinda hoping JJ Jr.is a girl.

Daisy squished an egg. Her undercarriage was a bit yolky. Decided to try & give her a bath. Filled up her tub. Was able to get her into it...one armed! She just stood there enjoying it. Set her on the bench with a fan on her. Shes all clean & fluffy. Just can't get over how easy going she is. Such a sweetie. I think Annie was waiting for her turn...but i was worn out.
I am glad Daisy is so clean...

I have had a bad time..... I am not rewriting it go to surviving Minnesota to read it..

I hope JJJ is a girl too. Hopefully, I will get another rusty slate hen someday too.
Ralph-that was total craziness there lol

Dheltzel-they ask look great! Looks like you've got a lot of young toms there. Mine are doing great too. There are definitely at least 2 toms in the group. One of which is already selected to be the guest of honor at thanksgiving this year. The kids are calling him dinner. They really like to pick on me when I go in to sit with them. They all peck and pull at my shirt and try to get my toe ring (yeah, that one hurts a little). One has already earned the name Cuddles and is a major lapper. Between her and Eve, there's serious competition for a place on my lap every time I'm in there.

I have not had any escaped belly buttons today. I got grumpy and angry at the kids yesterday so I went outside and took our my frustrations on the turkey pen. I found a small section of plastic chicken wire fencing and attached it above the other fencing where they kept escaping. It added an extra 2 feet. So far today they haven't gotten out but I can see them figuring a solution over the next couple days. Especially those bratty palms! I plan to go out and buy more chicken wire to expand their pen and officially raise that section correctly but for now, the temporary fix is holding.

my ugly temp fix

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The mottled look great!!

Aurora, sounds like you've foiled the bratt pack...for now...bawhaha!! :lol:

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