A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

The make my wife as happy as she can be ship sailed 40 years ago,,,,,

I understand the PITA aspect of turkeys. Mine FR and things go fine, until they get bored. Then they lounge on the deck, which gets me in trouble. Sit on vehicles, which gets me in trouble. Chase an innocent rooster. Which ticks me off.

When I walk around the farmyard, I have every turkey right behind me, They beg for treats. If they cannot find anything to get in trouble with they fight and have snood pulling contests.

Today they decided to spend their time harassing Bert Jr and King George in their breeding pens. They could not get to them, but they harassed the rooster through the wiring!

The UPS guy drove into the yard and they all ran to him and followed him to the house and back. They did the same to the mailman yesterday.
The make my wife as happy as she can be ship sailed 40 years ago,,,,,

I understand the PITA aspect of turkeys. Mine FR and things go fine, until they get bored.  Then they lounge on the deck, which gets me in trouble.  Sit on vehicles, which gets me in trouble. Chase an innocent rooster. Which ticks me off. 

When I walk around the farmyard, I have every turkey right behind me, They beg for treats. If they cannot find anything to get in trouble with they fight and have snood pulling contests.

Today they decided to spend their time harassing Bert Jr and King George in their breeding pens. They could not get to them, but they harassed the rooster through the wiring!

The UPS guy drove into the yard and they all ran to him and followed him to the house and back.  They did the same to the mailman yesterday.

Sounds like typical turkey behavior to me...lol
I'm going to tease you guys a bit :) I took pictures of the new babies! They're still on the camera though...which I need to load through the computer, which is currently occupied... so you guys need to wait. Just thought I'd let you know ;)
Well baby peep hatched

Have no idea if the video link actually works lol.
How Super Cute... im still catching up on post BUT fingers xx`ed the baby is doing fine..
Ok, new photo bomb! BCM babies!

I figured I could get some nicer pictures of them if I stuck them in these baskets....

They didn't stay still and all crammed into one basket. There are 17 of them FYI

Since they were all in one basket, I just lifted it back into the brooder. One of these does not belong.

The poults kept snuggling up on and in the basket with the babies so I kicked all the babies out for their own good, removed the doughnut towel and put the basket in instead with a towel in it.

Poults really love to snuggle up in spaces, don't they? Also, I think Miss Pebbles is broody. She slept in a nest yesterday (I stole the eggs this morning while she was eating) and tonight, she's sitting tight in the other nest. I'm going to steal her eggs every day and if she continues to sit, I'll try to graft a couple poults onto her from my hatch next week. Maybe I'll even let them hatch under her. Anyone ever done that with a broody turkey?

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