A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

X2 on the trip colored mottled. I'd actualy love to have one of them. They're so stunning!

Pebbles has always been my cuddle girl. She'd push her way to me to snuggle up and sometimes chase other hens away from me. Sweet Pea has really been sucking up the attention since Pebbles had been broody. She was one that was usually pecked at if she tried to get attention while Pebbles was lol.

The only thing I'm worried about is it being too soon for her and her rejecting them. Hopefully, she'd very motherly and takes them right away. I may slip a couple more under her, depending on what colors she hatches and what colors I hatch in here.
I have the same situation with my hens. Daisy is possessive. Wants all the attention. However, if Daisy is busy, like in a dust bath, Annie will sneak over for a snuggle. Funny girls. I hope all goes well with Pebbles & the babies!!
I've always been the same way. My family always called me the animal whisperer or Dr Dolittle growing up. Except, I want allowed to have all kinds of animals. We had a day and it took years to convince my parents to let us get a dog. I had a pet rabbit at a friend's house that I got in trouble for when my parents found out and I used to get in BIG trouble for bringing home status all the time lol. Now that I have my own place, I have 3 dogs, 1 cat, and 1 rabbit in the house with all my chickens and turkeys. Still trying to talk hubby into either a pair of dairy goats or sheep and a horse but he keeps telling my that we only have a little over an acre and can't afford more land right now. So I'm stuck at where I'm at. I still rescue anything wells that I find that's injured. We had a bullfrog last year that was missing a hind leg and raised up a baby robin

Had he not escaped, he would have been missing 2 hind legs, They are just so tasty!
She's doing great! I was just out there checking to make sure she didn't have any extras under her. They're either due tomorrow or Thursday. When I let them out Sunday, she took am extra long excursion off of them and I was worried she wouldn't go back but she did and she's sitting tight.

I thought you all said that broody turkeys were a force to be reckoned with, or is that only one the poults hatch? Pebbles watches me closely when I pull her eggs out from under her to check them (make sure they're hers). If I let any sit in her eyesight, she complains and tries to reach them to pull them back but she's never tried to peck or bite me. Hopefully, she just fully trusts me.

The benefits of hand raised spoiled rotten broody hens...lol

Be careful when they start to hatch. She may not have been sitting long enough yet to be in momma mode just yet.
I had a five legged toad once! And a little dove my neighbors pointer was pointing out. But it had a broke wing
It died...
Just checked the tracking number on my br eggs.

Should be delivered in this afternoon mail.

Getting my brinsea settled in for my first hatch attempt of the year.

My luck with ebay eggs is iffy at best. Got 6. Of my first dozen last year. Got zero out of the next 2 dozen.

Fingers crossed for decent luck this time.
The benefits of hand raised spoiled rotten broody hens...lol

Be careful when they start to hatch. She may not have been sitting long enough yet to be in momma mode just yet.

I have had some take eggs and chicks with very little time on the nest. One (a BA) with no time just took the guinea babies another BA hatched and claimed them for her own.

Ethel does not allow me to dig in her nest with eggs. BUT then when she has the young she is pretty good about allowing me to touch and monkey with them. She does watch me close and quack at me to be careful.
So, Pebbles puffed up and hissed at me a little bit earlier when I was checking to make sure she didn't have extra eggs. She didn't really do anything else though. I'm wondering if she can feel the eggs starting to wiggle under her maybe,and getting a little tense? Either that our she's sick of me checking on her lol.

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