A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Thank you.
Any idea what the Comercial white and blue slate will produce?

When you say commercial white do you mean BBW? Or are you talking the midgets?

I would think you could get a fair price for the 1/2 breeds at Thanksgiving time if you free range and try to keep them chemical free, if your near a city. They should be good sized compared to my heritages.
So glad to hear Pebbles was up & about. I had to laugh about the two poults. Kids are the same across the species aren't they!:lo

Had a hectic day at work. Hanging out with the hens just takes the stress right out of me. I should get Daisy registered as a emotional support animal so she can go with me on business trips. ;)
I am so mad!
Friken Mr. T has destroyed my Cochin rooster! He is covered and blood and has a scab the size of a half dollar on the back of his head! He cant see out of one eye and the other is puffy. I hate to say it but he has to go. Ralph r u able to get him before u have your birds tested?? Pm me and we can talk or I can call u.
I am so mad!
Friken Mr. T has destroyed my Cochin rooster! He is covered and blood and has a scab the size of a half dollar on the back of his head! He cant see out of one eye and the other is puffy. I hate to say it but he has to go. Ralph r u able to get him before u have your birds tested?? Pm me and we can talk or I can call u.

I'm sorry to hear this. My tom was thrashing my rooster, so I put him in with 2 younger cockerels. I'm really limited on space (working on a coop at a friend's place where I'll have much more room). Now the roos are fighting, so I took a Great Dane crate down and set it up in the run with a smaller, plastic crate inside for the oldest roo. He goes in the inner coop (part of my coop is enclosed and part is 3 sided with a wire front) with the hens in the evening. In the morning I catch him and put him back in his pen. The tom stays in the outer coop with a few of the turkey hens. It's a pain, but it keeps them all in one piece. I'm building a couple pens at my friends so I can separate all 3 roosters. I'm hoping an acre or more will be enough room for the tom and roo to be out at the same time.
I haven't had any issues with my roos and turkeys. I guess im lucky. My two toms were trying to kill each other so i sold the best looking one. The family i sold it too is telling me they are having trouble with him and thier roosters. They are talking about getting rid of him.
I haven't had and issues with my tom and my roosters either though I do have a turkey hen who takes offense to my ameraucana roo who is leader of the chicken coop. She will threaten him and then chase him all over the place for a few minutes. Then she gets bored and moves on.
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I may be seeing signs of Annie thinking about going broody. She spent a few hours yesterday circling one particular bush in my garden. She'd crawl under it, scratch around, then circle around again. Every so often she would wander over & check out other areas. I watched this behavior for several hours. She's never done this before.

What's going on with Mr. T? Holm, how is your rooster?
Memphis, you are really straining my self control with a post like that.... But after 98 incidences of double secret probation I will let the softball you served up slide right by me....

Holm and I talked on the phone yesterday. Mr T has became a major PITA. He nearly killed Holm's favorite rooster. The Cochin that throws those beautiful blue chicks. Holm has him at home in his room with him now and is hoping he will survive. Last night even that was in doubt.

Bad timing is what happened, with Mr T coming here. Holm and I live about 3-4 hours apart. He was going to drop him off on his way to get some buckeyes from another BYC breeder. Her (the breeder) schedule changed so he did not get here as soon as planned.

Then Mr T caught a does of bird mites. Not a big deal, we all get them, but I did not want to deal with mites during the breeding season. He told me and said he thought we should wait until he got it under control. I really appreciated his doing that.

Then I went to NPIP school and applied for the a hatchery permit. IN Minnesota when you apply for the approval they make you list your number of birds and breeds. I did not list Mr T as mine. Every bird over 4 months old has to be accounted for. I also did not realize when I applied it would stop me from getting any birds in from a non-NPIP source.

Also the spring came early and I needed to get my birds breeding so I put a Blue in with Mr T's hens. With the exception of the blue red bourbon who I moved to JJ.

I had hoped when I completed my mandated training to be able to help Holm make his birds NPIP. The training is longer than I anticipated. The state moves at it's own speed.

We decided we would forego it this year and go for next year. Then Mr T became psycho and holm is not even sure he wants turkeys anymore. I even offered him a docile Tom, but he is kind of fed up with Toms, So Mr T is on the auction block at the least if not the chopping block.

That is what happened to Mr T as I know it. I hope I got it right, If not Holm will correct me.

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