A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Feedman....that keet is so tiny next to its big moma.

I'm still chuckling over Feisty's hen crawling under Big Bird. That and R2elk's hen running the turkey off her nest. Hey, maybe that's the way to break a broody turkey....stuff a broody hen under her! Feisty....find one of those growling broody hens & stuff her under Big Bird...ya never know! :gig. Heck, nothing else has worked. ...

Speaking of broodies...neither of mine have gone broody. (Knock on wood)

Ralph...is your English girl protected from rain in that tree? You could always add a little canopy over the opening. :lol:

So it's already 80 here at 6 in the morning. Humidity is so bad it feels like your walking into a sauna. I know...I'm just whining.
Feedman....that keet is so tiny next to its big moma.

I'm still chuckling over Feisty's hen crawling under Big Bird. That and R2elk's hen running the turkey off her nest. Hey, maybe that's the way to break a broody turkey....stuff a broody hen under her! Feisty....find one of those growling broody hens & stuff her under Big Bird...ya never know!
. Heck, nothing else has worked. ...

Speaking of broodies...neither of mine have gone broody. (Knock on wood)

Ralph...is your English girl protected from rain in that tree? You could always add a little canopy over the opening.

So it's already 80 here at 6 in the morning. Humidity is so bad it feels like your walking into a sauna. I know...I'm just whining.

She is completely protected from rain. The only think I worry about now is heat and the rare day time predator.

I think I was correct to start with that is Lizzie in there, the other one is more standoffish, she just had her feathers grow back in a little...I need to put colored bands on them. If I hold one I can check the NPIP band number. But they look the same from a distance with old eyes.
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I have box fans on all my coops. May be something to consider with Lizzie. Just to move the air a bit. Margaret may become friendlier with Lizzie out of the picture.

Just looked outside. All chickens standing in their pool. Would love to get a picture. But as soon as they spot me they would come running. Turkeys in a dust bath...
I have box fans on all my coops. May be something to consider with Lizzie. Just to move the air a bit. Margaret may become friendlier with Lizzie out of the picture.

Just looked outside. All chickens standing in their pool. Would love to get a picture. But as soon as they spot me they would come running. Turkeys in a dust bath...

It becomes hard to get the pictures of what you see, when they all run towards you. I have the same problem.

I have my flock of turkeys free ranging other than Ethel, and the one with the babies. I sure love having them run free, I was just out doing the morning chores and checking on everyone and they followed me everywhere.

Yesterday afternoon we have a snood pulling contest here. The Sidekick and the unnamed Tom were ganging up on JJ pulling his snood. Judy was not happy with them picking on her JJ. She tried to break it up but they did not pay attention to her, I was afraid she would get hurt in the middle of the fray. (and if she did who would cook, clean and do my laundry?) So I broke them up, as soon as I did JJ went and attacked the others The contest was on again. It was a rough one, there was blood on all of them, JJ' waddle was bleeding, I had the hose there because I was watering birds, So I ran them down and soaked them all good! It finally stopped when they were all drenched. Stupid birds.

One of the turkey hens went into the chicken coop last night, she is small enough to go through the chicken door. She seem content in there even this morning when I released the chickens. Maybe with the flock nearly complete there is just too constant of an orgy for her tastes.

Personally, I have not seen that much breeding happening, and I like them all together!

It would be impossible to put a fan on Lizzie in the tree, The opening is not large enough and it would block her being able to get out. We are only suppose to get to 80 today, our terrible heat should be over for a bit.
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Good for Judy wading into a Tom fight. Obviously she probably should not do that, but sounds like she loves JJ enough to go to his aid. What a gal!!

If your highs are in the 80's Queen Lizzie should be ok. We've gotten to the point that our nightly lows are in the 80's. Ugg.
Feedman - such a tiny baby next to turkey mom - darling!

Ralph - I sympathize with Judy, I've had a couple of tom fights and waded in..... I hadn't thought of turning a hose on them, I may try that next time :). The tree nest looks pretty good - love how you secured it!

I love all the poult pictures everyone is posting - I think poults are the most adorable babies with their huge eyes :love

One of my Sicilian buttercups is definitely a roo, so I ended up with a pair...maybe I'll breed them next year. They are the most curious, sweet and fearless chickens I've had so far and I'm really enjoying them. The rest seem to be the pullets the were advertised as :).

I really must start prodding DH to help me with my new bird building. I'm not comfortable doing the concrete footings and floor on my own. I can probably putter at walls and other stuff on my own once we get the base down. I'm planning to divide it in half for chickens and turkeys. It will be really nice to have the birds out of the barn and not so close to the house (the boys gobbling drives DH nuts lol).
I'm so curious about the Buttercups. Would love to see pics. So they aren't flighty? And they are sweet? I think they are darling!

Nothing better than poultry pics!
Feisty...I think the Buttercups are such a pretty bird! One of the breeds I've been interested in for awhile. That hen is adorable! :D

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