A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

That is awesome! The boy we kept is super alert all night too... just patrols and watches... so very glad you took them!

Ugg! There is a blues song with a phrase that perfectly summarizes our weather: "Hot, Hot as a Coffee Pot". Needless to say , it's nasty humid. Yard birds all panting, hanging in the shade, cooling off in their little pond or sitting under the fans. Daisy is a huge fan hog. Plops down right in front and will even rest her beak on the grill. Fans are up full blast pushing quite a bit of air...she just closes her eyes & stuffs her beak in the grill & will just stay that way. Well, what ever works...I guess.

It's awful here too... I did weed whacking by moonlight last night! :lau

here she is we had 2 more hatch out since this one!

question...i have a turkey that just hatched last night i put her and a hatch mate in the brooder this morning noticed this afternoon one has crock neck not sure what to do fot the baby?!
question...i have a turkey that just hatched last night i put her and a hatch mate in the brooder this morning noticed this afternoon one has crock neck not sure what to do fot the baby?!

Nutridrench Poultry vitamins, couple drops 3x per day straight in the beak... wash down with a couple drops plain water, it tastes nasty...
Relaxing in the cool grass is a favored activity here too. I've been known to garden in the dark too!! Sometimes thats the only time I can get out with this heat!

've been known to garden in the dark too!! Sometimes thats the only time I can get out with this heat!

Same here! Plus, I fry like an egg in hot oil in the sun... :(

Lovely pics!!!

Did you actually taste that stuff??

Every time I smell it, lol... I don't need to actually taste it, my olfactory senses are waaaaay to closely linked with my taste buds... it's a curse... :/

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