A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

DW has an interesting question... What do you keep in your poultry first aid kit? One of her FB groups was discussing this last week I think and many have more stuff than in their human first aid kit. Just curious....:caf
@casportpony has a thread about it

I will be back after I get over this recovery period. Right now I am in and out of pain too much to be humorous.
:hugs hope you heal quickly

Upon closer inspection, it looks like 5 are marked. The penciled palm and blue penciled palm but then it looks like a self buff, chocolate palm and the mystery one which may be a mottled chocolate. I mat be keeping more than I thought lol
they're so purdy!! i cant wait to have more turkeys!!

The ladies have accepted their babies. However, that also comes with morning entertainment. Apparently, according to the turkey hens we have two feed troughs, one's for the babies. If a baby comes to the adult table (trough) they get pecked and re-directed to the other table. Then comes the chicken hens... Since the adult turkeys are all around one, they go to the kids table. Then it starts... A hen will peck at one of the baby turkeys, as soon as that happens, one of the nari hens will fly over and peck the chicken, which insights the roo who will go after the Nari, and is then countered by one of the Toms. I've tried to put extra troughs and bowls out--but in the end, apparently the babies are supposed to eat from their specified trough and no one is allowed to interfere. At night, the adult turkeys heard the babies into their shelter, we just man the door and watch.:wee:wee:wee:wee:ya:yesss:
Tiny T pics... Anyone have new guesses on what he is?

I lost 2 of my Porter poults :( The one with the broken leg is gone. I had splinted it but it looked like he got stuck on his back under the heat lamp overnight unfortunately. The other thar I lost was a weak one that just didn't seem to want to eat or drink. The others all look good right now and so far, my keepers are all looking strong and healthy.
I lost 2 of my Porter poults :( The one with the broken leg is gone. I had splinted it but it looked like he got stuck on his back under the heat lamp overnight unfortunately. The other thar I lost was a weak one that just didn't seem to want to eat or drink. The others all look good right now and so far, my keepers are all looking strong and healthy.
Sorry to hear that.:(

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