A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Heard from @JRNash last night.

His family is safe and living with relatives and friends.

His house was destroyed, first by flood waters and then the mold.

He lost all his birds. It was getting dark and the water came up so fast, the birds stayed where they were and drowned.

He and his son were working on a pickup truck when it started to rain. They had to take a part to the garage, got something to eat, and by then the water was four feet deep in his driveway. The water then came up about 3 inches each hour.

(I am not sure if his family was there at the time, or was able to get out the next day or so.)

Jr stayed on the property in the muck and water to protect belongings of his and the neighbors.

Both pickups were underwater.

After the water went down a week later, he was able to get both semi-running. His son went to town and was promptly ran over by "a little ole lady", totalling the truck and leaving his son with a neck injury. He said "it was a miracle there were no fatalities."

He will have to build a house. Had been thinking about it, but now says he has "NO CHOICE" - his words.

Currently, JR is staying with his in-laws and going to work in his "limping" truck, with a board on the seat to keep his butt dry. :)

He said to tell everyone "thank you for the prayers" as he sincerely believes that is the only thing that got them through. He said he was an emotional wreck before he could get to his family and is devastated by everything that happened, but is trudging along.

He lost his phone due to water damage and after trying several times to get it to reboot, he promptly forgot all his passwords. When he got a new phone, he couldn't figure out how to reload his Gmail and that is the biggest reason he wasn't able to contact anyone right away.

I emailed him back last night with "a thousand questions", but told him to answer only when he had time and could do so.

I'm happy everyone is safe and sound, but heartbroken over his loss. Some of the turkeys were getting to be great pets and he had planned on keeping those few.

Will update as I can. :)
thank you for the update, very unfortunate but glad that everyone is safe now

I was also gonna say hen, and that's because someone (maybe you?), said something about the strip of feathers on the head and neck = hen.
ditto, but then i also saw the caruncles being super red an big so i said nothing :oops: lol
Hi all, new-ish to the forum and new to turkey raising. I have 6 bourbon red poults that are 5 weeks old, 2 guinea fowl (coccidia wiped out the others), a redfoot tortoise, 3 gerbils, 2 barn cats (1 is missing), and 2 Labradors (1 of which tried to die of bloat last week and is recovering from surgery).

Due to all the craziness lately my turkey coop has taken longer than expected so yes, I have 6 five week old turkeys in kiddie pools in my living room like a crazy person.

Anyone else's turkey poults drive them crazy with neediness? I thought it would have lessened by now but they're in for a shock when they get booted to the coop.
Heard from @JRNash last night.

His family is safe and living with relatives and friends.

His house was destroyed, first by flood waters and then the mold.

He lost all his birds. It was getting dark and the water came up so fast, the birds stayed where they were and drowned.

He and his son were working on a pickup truck when it started to rain. They had to take a part to the garage, got something to eat, and by then the water was four feet deep in his driveway. The water then came up about 3 inches each hour.

(I am not sure if his family was there at the time, or was able to get out the next day or so.)

Jr stayed on the property in the muck and water to protect belongings of his and the neighbors.

Both pickups were underwater.

After the water went down a week later, he was able to get both semi-running. His son went to town and was promptly ran over by "a little ole lady", totalling the truck and leaving his son with a neck injury. He said "it was a miracle there were no fatalities."

He will have to build a house. Had been thinking about it, but now says he has "NO CHOICE" - his words.

Currently, JR is staying with his in-laws and going to work in his "limping" truck, with a board on the seat to keep his butt dry. :)

He said to tell everyone "thank you for the prayers" as he sincerely believes that is the only thing that got them through. He said he was an emotional wreck before he could get to his family and is devastated by everything that happened, but is trudging along.

He lost his phone due to water damage and after trying several times to get it to reboot, he promptly forgot all his passwords. When he got a new phone, he couldn't figure out how to reload his Gmail and that is the biggest reason he wasn't able to contact anyone right away.

I emailed him back last night with "a thousand questions", but told him to answer only when he had time and could do so.

I'm happy everyone is safe and sound, but heartbroken over his loss. Some of the turkeys were getting to be great pets and he had planned on keeping those few.

Will update as I can. :)

So sorry for all of his losses, but glad he and family are safe... when he gets on his feet, I am willing to give him a hand restocking turkey-wise if he wishes... miss him and his sense of humor here... :(

Could someone help me identify the gender on my baby Turkey, it would be appreciated.View attachment 1135367

I agree with R2elk, she is a jenny, looks like BB genes too... slimmer/narrower/rounded head is a tell as well... jakes *usually* have blockier/triangular shaped heads that are more flat across the top...

Hi all, new-ish to the forum and new to turkey raising. I have 6 bourbon red poults that are 5 weeks old, 2 guinea fowl (coccidia wiped out the others), a redfoot tortoise, 3 gerbils, 2 barn cats (1 is missing), and 2 Labradors (1 of which tried to die of bloat last week and is recovering from surgery).

Due to all the craziness lately my turkey coop has taken longer than expected so yes, I have 6 five week old turkeys in kiddie pools in my living room like a crazy person.

Anyone else's turkey poults drive them crazy with neediness? I thought it would have lessened by now but they're in for a shock when they get booted to the coop.

Turkeys are perpetual mischievous children... think of them as the Lost Boys in Neverland, lol...
So sorry for all of his losses, but glad he and family are safe... when he gets on his feet, I am willing to give him a hand restocking turkey-wise if he wishes... miss him and his sense of humor here... :(
@Ravynscroft - I will let him know what you said. I also think he will be back, but he has sure had a bunch of double whammys over the two months. Right now, he's just trying to hang in there. :) Thank you!
@Ravynscroft - I will let him know what you said. I also think he will be back, but he has sure had a bunch of double whammys over the two months. Right now, he's just trying to hang in there. :) Thank you!

Thank you for passing it on, Flashpoint... completely understand it has been a rough time... just want him to know support is always here for him... :)

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