A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

:clapHi guys, sorry I haven't been around in a while.

Actually, my husband went on a 3 week trip (1 week left to go!) and I thought I would use the time to ignore all cooking and cleaning and do some building projects while he is gone. Thought I could get them all finished and surprise him with what a nice job I did. But it's turning out like most of my other projects- easy to start and make a big mess, hard to follow through and finish. I'm gonna need more than 3 weeks!

So about once a week I've been catching up on reading the posts here, but not writing any myself.

(Darn phone/fat fingers! It hit reply in the middle of my sentence. Gotta "edit" in the rest now.:barnie)

BUT, here's my news: I have my first poults hatched under a broody!! :woot

Due date was today, but I heard peeping yesterday. :love She wasn't letting them peek though. Today I can count at least 6. (Out of 11 eggs.) I can't wait to see how many hatched.

She has a really nice weedy spot for cover, so I couldn't really get a clear photo, but there is a yellow baby somewhere in the photos. Now I have to edit the pics, and then post them in another post.
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Can you spot the baby beak in the last photo?

Sugarberry is the broody mama. She had some of her own eggs and some from Swan.

I also have bad news on the turkey front, but I haven't wanted to talk about it. Maybe some day when Im not posting a Happy Announcement. Today is just for Bug-Eyed Babies!
Anne...that video is hysterical! I love it!

Aurora...that baby is really growing!! No idea on variety. Does it still snuggle up to one of the mommas at night? I got the biggest kick out of all the moms!

Hot, hot, hot here. But it's just starting to cool off a bit at night. We've had some spotty down-pours the last few days. Which we needed! Always grateful for rain in August. We have had a round of those big locust things hatching. Daisy loves eating them. All the other birds are scared of them. If she hears one, she starts trying to find it. So that's been fun to watch her hunt one down by sound. Never have seen her hunt bugs that way before. I'm used to her hunting bugs by sight. A turkey hunting by sound is interesting to me. Maybe shes been using her hearing while hunting more than I thought. But this is very apparent. If she hears one, her head goes up and you can see she is zeroing in on the sound before she sees it. Of course my friends have long ago decided I've lost it...but did point out the other evening that discussing my turkeys hunting techniques as dinner conversation is a new low....
Anne...that video is hysterical! I love it!

Aurora...that baby is really growing!! No idea on variety. Does it still snuggle up to one of the mommas at night? I got the biggest kick out of all the moms!

Hot, hot, hot here. But it's just starting to cool off a bit at night. We've had some spotty down-pours the last few days. Which we needed! Always grateful for rain in August. We have had a round of those big locust things hatching. Daisy loves eating them. All the other birds are scared of them. If she hears one, she starts trying to find it. So that's been fun to watch her hunt one down by sound. Never have seen her hunt bugs that way before. I'm used to her hunting bugs by sight. A turkey hunting by sound is interesting to me. Maybe shes been using her hearing while hunting more than I thought. But this is very apparent. If she hears one, her head goes up and you can see she is zeroing in on the sound before she sees it. Of course my friends have long ago decided I've lost it...but did point out the other evening that discussing my turkeys hunting techniques as dinner conversation is a new low....
I can confirm that turkeys have superb hearing. If I would whisper "tommy" from more than 100' away, my first Blue Slate tom would immediately gobble.
I have learned to curb my desire to talk about my latest poultry fascination to every person I meet.... but my dh has learned more than he ever wanted to about my feathered obsessions..... 20180901_091912.jpg and being the tolerant type has gotten to where another box of babies is no big deal..... he does start prompting to put them out when they start to have an odor but he is a doll.
My latest batch consist of 5 bronze looking turkeys and one EE chick
Been the weirdest weather this year. The coolness and rain is weeks early. Birds started molting early. Crop harvests have been a few weeks off. I feel a long harsh winter incoming.
Eastern Montana has been wetter this year than Western Montana. The greenest summer ever here, while the mountains burn. It has been wierd.
Ablyn is developing a huge problem. He's a terrible breeder. He's sweet, handsome, personable to strange people, but when it comes to breeding, he's a major dud. If he can't sort himself out, I'm afraid I will have to do him in. He hurt Annabelle. When he was breeding, or rather, attempting it, he lost balance, slid off the back side, then beat her up out of frustration.
This makes Esther super sad, since he is her special buddy.
Not sure if I can help him.

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