A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

I had an interesting barn day. I saw a brown egg on the floor of my white legbars....This scared the poop right out of me.

I was wondering which one could have possibly laid that egg. I keep my legbars fairly tightly monitored as to parentage.....

When I was in the Toads pen/cage near the toadstool I noticed the egg was pointy and had light specks. It was right next to the pen dividers, so I was relieved thinking a not so bright turkey roosted on the divider and simply dropped an egg.

Then I noticed a turkey hen in the pen. She must have came in through the corners of the netting. I decided to leave her there so I could find her eggs easier...

When watering the birds I noticed a RP hen pulling the crest out of a spare White legbar's crest. The legbar did not care for this at all, but was too dumb to move away.

I decided to give NTAB training to all the RP hens. (NTAB = niceness through assimilated behaviors). I moved all but one RP hen into the SS pen. I would have moved the last one but she was smart enough to head to the rafters...

I found 6 turkey eggs total today. I am not sure if I will omelet or hatch them.
I had an interesting barn day. I saw a brown egg on the floor of my white legbars....This scared the poop right out of me.

I was wondering which one could have possibly laid that egg. I keep my legbars fairly tightly monitored as to parentage.....

When I was in the Toads pen/cage near the toadstool I noticed the egg was pointy and had light specks. It was right next to the pen dividers, so I was relieved thinking a not so bright turkey roosted on the divider and simply dropped an egg.

Then I noticed a turkey hen in the pen. She must have came in through the corners of the netting. I decided to leave her there so I could find her eggs easier...

When watering the birds I noticed a RP hen pulling the crest out of a spare White legbar's crest. The legbar did not care for this at all, but was too dumb to move away.

I decided to give NTAB training to all the RP hens. (NTAB = niceness through assimilated behaviors). I moved all but one RP hen into the SS pen. I would have moved the last one but she was smart enough to head to the rafters...

I found 6 turkey eggs total today. I am not sure if I will omelet or hatch them.
Hatch them and I’ll lease a RP trio for 4H :p
I had an interesting barn day. I saw a brown egg on the floor of my white legbars....This scared the poop right out of me.

I was wondering which one could have possibly laid that egg. I keep my legbars fairly tightly monitored as to parentage.....

When I was in the Toads pen/cage near the toadstool I noticed the egg was pointy and had light specks. It was right next to the pen dividers, so I was relieved thinking a not so bright turkey roosted on the divider and simply dropped an egg.

Then I noticed a turkey hen in the pen. She must have came in through the corners of the netting. I decided to leave her there so I could find her eggs easier...

When watering the birds I noticed a RP hen pulling the crest out of a spare White legbar's crest. The legbar did not care for this at all, but was too dumb to move away.

I decided to give NTAB training to all the RP hens. (NTAB = niceness through assimilated behaviors). I moved all but one RP hen into the SS pen. I would have moved the last one but she was smart enough to head to the rafters...

I found 6 turkey eggs total today. I am not sure if I will omelet or hatch them.

Hatch! Without a doubt!
So. I got a marans hen that wants to be a maman lady.... we gonna let her. Then a tom happened... and sister is a lil bit pissed all fluffed up three sizes her usuall. Then there is road runner who is lookin pittiful in her moltin right now... she had come tell the new turk the how of everything here too also. He pecked her... she pecked him and it was almost game on. The door to jail cell T came slammin down and all the ladies were up in a huddle against the wall talkin bout how handsome that new guy is but how they also needed rip his head off at the same time. Silly girls doncha know in a months time you will be beggin for his attentions.....

I truly thought he was a hen when i saw him. Our son thom said he heard him gobble loud and proud today. He does have a nice lil beard goin on (though i know hens can have them as sister does). His snood grew very long when he saw the ladies. He doesnt have a mohawk. He is bout the size of my sg hen And was this past spring poult. Yes i know i should isolate him from everyone but he looks really good and has no creepy crawlies on him.

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Been holding off mentioning this....but my daffodils are out of the ground & forming buds. Nothing more cheerful than a blooming daffodil after a long winter.

AFTER a long winter??? Really, girl, you sure know how to rub it in, don’t cha? Winter has only just begun in these parts. (Tho I have to admit the past week was nice...) not destined to last, so they say. :barnie Oh well... I suppose I ought be thankful for what we have received. It could’ve been nasty all last week and the next, too.

In other news... I’m such a novice... I got five teeny eggs today and I’m still totally jazzed about the whole thing. :wee
Yep Cindy....weather and R2elks gold nuget blooms are about the only thing going on right now.

EXCEPT...for the bug eyed babies hatched recently. And no pics lately!! Soon we will be playing "What's the Variety ". Which is much more entertaining.

Amazing how many winter weeds my front yard can grow. I don't treat with chemicals. Or try to get rid of them because of the girls. They sure enjoy grazing on them. My back yard is complete shade, the front mostly sun. So the weeds are quite different.

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