A century of Turkey talk 2000-2100.

Gizzard + grit does the job that teeth do for other animals. Eg chewing and grinding. So if something can be eaten without chewing (scrambled eggs) it is edible without grit.. right??
See I'm not sure on the scrambled egg.
But a lot of people start trying to give meal worms and veggies and stuff and I'm thinking they need grit for that. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Elk man, what say you on the grit topic?
My poults are getting grit from the moment they are put in the brooder. It is definitely a requirement when I start giving them grass clippings.

Grit is not required with turkey starter and probably not with crumbled hard boiled eggs. I personally don't feed eggs and definitely would not feed scrambled eggs. If it is desired to feed eggs, hard boil them and crumble them after the shells have been removed.

Do not feed raw eggs.

Tri-Color Mottled Black poult



Sweetgrass Poult

Sweetgrass and Tri-Color Mottled Black poults

Sweetgrass and Tri-Color Mottled Slate poults

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