~*~A Cockalorum and a Crudivore Walk Into a Bar…~*~

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Gertrude McFuzz

6 Years
Apr 11, 2013
Tír na nÓg
(Try reading this aloud for the best effect.)

An anencephalous cockalorum bloviated to a huge crudivore in a bar. The resulting argle-bargle made the bar ring with billingsgate. The donnybrook discombobulated many passers-by. Most pronounced it folderol. A gaberlunzie, deciding they were both drunk, snuck up above them with a bucket of ice water and yelled, “GARDYLOO!” at the top of his lungs, then dumped the water over the cockalorum and crudivore’s heads. The two turned to the jackanapes with furious roars of flibbertigibbet that sent him skedaddling out the vomitory.

Seeing their reaction, a snollygoster approached a gobemouche with wicked godwottery. The gobemouche gongoozled at him for a moment, but then nodded. He walked up to the two with a proclamation that he had heard the borborygms of the cockamamie pair, and through his great skill in gastromancy, he had determined that their ornery fight had been trigged, not by the bloviation, but by the cockalorum’s sialoquenting.

Thankfully, the pair was wabbit, and the gobemouche was safe from their choler, and the nincompoops were soon escorted to the hoosegow to sleep it off.

Now you may think many of these words are kerfuffle, but I’m just a pettifogger.


A brainless, small, haughty man spoke boastfully to a huge person who ate raw meat. The resulting fight made the bar ring with profanity. The fight confused many passers-by. Most pronounced it nonsense. A wandering beggar, deciding they were both drunk, snuck up behind them with a bucket of ice water and yelled, "GARDYLOO!" [A warning shouted before throwing water from above.] at the top of his lungs, then dumped the water over the cockalorum and crudivore's heads. The two turned to the prankster with furious roars of gibberish that sent him running out the exit.

Seeing their reaction, a person who couldn't be trusted approached a highly gullible person with wicked nonsense. The gullible man stared at him for a moment, but then nodded. He walked up to the two with a proclamation that he had heard the rumbling stomachs of the absurd pair, and through his great skill in telling fortunes from the rumblings of stomachs, he had determined that their ill-tempered fight had been triggered, not by the boasting, but by the small, haughty man's spitting while speaking.

Thankfully, the pair was tired, and the gullible man was safe from their anger, and the fools were soon escorted to the jail to sleep it off.

Now, you may think many of these words are nonsense, but I'm just a person who tries to impress people with my vocabulary.

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