A Comprehensive Study of the Stink-Eye: Illustrated!

Laree, just gotta tell you, I keep returning to the start of your post here - it's so funny, cleverly written, and most importantly defines the Stink Eye. It should be mandatory reading for all who attempt to capture a stink eye.

I love your avatar at the moment too. It's AWESOME.
X's 2
I have this 18 week old barnevelder pullet testing out her stink eye capabilities. (she's one of Trisha's babies, so maybe she'll grow up to be like her mommy!)
I'm feeling pretty good about my stink-eye education, but what I'm not so confident about is my ability to distinguish the Hairy Eyeball. I presume there is a difference between this and the Stink-Eye, and I think several of the examples offered her emight have been more Hairy than Stinky, but I'd like to hear from the Professor of Stink-Eye. Larissa, can you edumacate us?

By the way, the Buff Orp shown in message #396 backed up that stink-eye with serious violence once she got chicks. Bit the snot out of my wife, who was only trying to feed them!

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