A few questions about mating

Think of a fertilized egg like a seed: It has the potential, but only under the right conditions. If those conditions aren't met, there's no real difference between fertilized eggs and unfertilized ones.
I'm scared that I'm going to crack an egg, and a baby's gonna come out. How will I know when she's going to lay fertilized eggs?

A fertilized egg doesn't 'have a developing chick in it' until the hen has set on it several days. Your new pullets probably won't be broody initially, so they won't even 'set on' any of the eggs laid. Those eggs will look and taste just like any other egg (fertile or not). In fact, you won't get ANY chickies from your hens unless one of them go broody or you decide to incubate them yourself. Many times, the initial eggs from pullets are smaller, so it is best to wait a few months into laying before deciding to incubate eggs.

As to WHEN a hen will go broody, spring is generally more active, but I've had broody hens all the way into the colder months. Also, some breeds are more likely to go broody and others not so much at all.​
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Aww such a cute story!
Are you keeping the chickies?

We are gonna keep mommy, and i'm gonna let her continue to proly free range as she was already free it's how she came to me. and we are going to keep some of her chicks. but I rite now won't let them range untile we fence in our yard. then they can free range it

how high can a chicken fly? Honestly I know so little about them I didnt know they could fly till I saw one of the chicks spread its wings and jump off a lil bit of weeds and get a bit of air lol
So that's what my rooster is doing to my hen. I tell him "no" because I think he's being mean to her...
Some of my chickens have been married as my kids say. They paired up but I have my big yellow ones (still dont know the breed) that chases one hen, he grabs her neck, pounces on her and grabs neck feathers. I should have known..lol.

On the original topic, I'm new to all this and I had my one year old hen sit on an egg last month, it wasnt fertile. NOw she claimed two more that I'm going to check to see if they are viable. I Just need to find out when I can check them, she sat on them July 5th. I've read about "lock down" and before I disturb her I need to read up on this.

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