A flock with bumblefoot: Journey back to health

Ah. Maybe it was the tape:? I use vet wrap and haven't seen any redness on mine and they keep the bandages for upward of two weeks.

She said she just took Epsom salts and added water to make a paste.

I think making your own or buying a different is fine. I don't make it myself because I like the gel. Maybe menthol is an irritant, but it should be irritating the bumbles out, LOL
Can I ask....out of the 10 feet you looked at how many, when you did go into the foot, did you get the kernels out?

It's a good question-I would say 3, maybe 4. Several of them didn't seem to have anything solid in there, even with squeezing and digging with tweezers. But again-I guess the saying goes "you don't know what you don't know." So it's certainly possible I missed something.
It's a good question-I would say 3, maybe 4. Several of them didn't seem to have anything solid in there, even with squeezing and digging with tweezers. But again-I guess the saying goes "you don't know what you don't know." So it's certainly possible I missed something.
I think you might have gotten more kernels if you had a biopsy punch or scalpel (x-acto knife would work too). Tweezers are great for grasping, but not for cutting tissue. Of course hindsight is always 20/20!
I put a towel on my legs and lay the chicken on her side with wings held firmly to sides. I can them flip a smaller towel over their head and then I can operate on them by myself. You need to get a scalpel. It makes it easier.

I sprayed it down with betadine solution, and then grabbed onto the scab with the tweezers, and gave a little twist. It pulled right away, with some extra stuff attached to it. There was some of that in there, so I squeezed and dug and got as much as I could out. It did leave a pretty big hole.

I don't think she meant cutting with a tweezers. That would be awful painful wouldn't it?
It has been suggested to the OP early on to get a scalpel, but per her description of her procedure on day 3, it does not appear that she is using one, only tweezers. I do think she would have better luck with a scalpel and tweezers. But I'm only a medical professional, not a vet.
In a way, you're both right. RN-I did get the advice to use a scalpel, but to be very honest, don't trust my skill or ability in using one and not doing more harm than good. I really wish I had your skill and training! Seminole, where I believe I have had success in getting out the plug is where I've been able to grasp the scab with tweezers, twist, and tug out with all the hard kernel pulling right out with the scab.

We're two weeks in today. If anyone can direct me to images of healing, healthy scabs, that would help me tremendously in determining if what I'm looking at is still infected or healing-I hate to be pulling off "healthy" scabs. The pictures I'm able to take using my cell in my dark garage don't really fully capture the difference between what looks (to me) like healing feet vs what looks like feet that aren't right yet. Also-I guess I'm not sure about the time frame for all of this-should I expect them to be further along at this point?

On deck for tomorrow morning is the next round of bandage changes-and potentially scab removals-after the latest application of magnapaste yesterday. I am hoping that has helped draw any remaining infection closer to the surface so I can more easily remove it with the tools I have.

Thanks to all of you who have continued to follow along!
I'm really not trying to criticize at all! I think you are doing a great job! As I said before, hindsight is always 20/20 - I'm not sure what I would do "in the moment". Next time you are at the farm supply store, look for biopsy punches. They are much easier to use than scalpels and can get deep enough for you to not have to dig as much. You might also want to invest in a crafting X-acto knife instead of a scalpel. If you do use a knife or scalpel, you want to cut around the scab at about a 30 degree angle. Practice first cutting "bad" spots out of apples. Hope this helps!
Once I got an actual scalpel I found it was easier to use. This has been such a useful thread to follow.

ETA: Can you get punches at TSC? Does anyone know?
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