A guest "SHUSHED!" my girls!

Maybe it's a good thing - they won't run up to strangers and get stolen. My niece's dog is very sociable and the kids in the neighbor all want to walk him and play with him. He would go off with complete strangers. If they don't "get over it" on their own, I would make a point of having welcome visitors offer then the same treats you d I know chickens don't use their brain much but maybe that would help them decide who is okay and who isn't.
wow...that was rude of the 'guest." That would just about do it for me with regard to having that person anywhere in my world...I get very militantly protective of my animals...I have had some real idiots drop by...most of them don't come back...like the one who told me he would kick my dog if it got close...the dog was a Doberman and sweet as pie but I guess this person was afraid...I told him very quietly that IF he aimed a kick in the vicinity of my dog, he would be crawling back to his vehicle with two broken knee caps...never saw that person again and did not miss him...

I love it when people come and turn their kids loose...I have had to be very rude about that as well...I raised six children and none of them would dare misbehave in the fashion that I have experienced around here and particularly with my animals...what makes people think it is okay to visit someone and chase, throw things, yell and scream or some such at other peoples' animals? I don't get it...I guess they are just ignorant...the last brat that was trying to hit my dog with a stick got little tolerance from me...I told his parents to put that thing back in their car...

I hope your babies calm down and enjoy people once again very soon...
I shush my girls. Softly and calmly. It's the only way to make a chicken quiet. If you scream, they squawk and holler like it's dying. Very rude guest...
Geez, I have guineas, I wish somebody could "shush" them.

Really my girls and roos love to talk. And I listen.
Call him on it and let him know where you stand. "You are a guest and they LIVE HERE buddy!" I do shoosh my girls when they are being beggy or acting like little queenies when the baby chicks are nearby, but I'm just talking to them. I just say "you shoosh...".

I haven't had anyone over here yet that has made any rude remarks or gestures since I've had chickens, but I have no problem telling someone to get the heck away from my girls if they act like jerks.

My hubby has had an old friend or two come by here over the years that were the biggest jerks - saying innappropriate things in front of my kids and mouthing off about something - really haven't seen those two since. Because I told them exactly what to do after that point.
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very true, my dog got stolen because he was so nice and curious about others. my dog was a Chihuahua, and he never ever barked in his life. A dream chihuahua indeed. he would wag his tail and go to strangers. God, if only he was acted more like a Chihuahua, no one would have stolen him. But that was what I like about him most, he was a Chihuahua without the Chihuahua attitude.
I hate when people do things like this! I've had my dog told she was bad just for sniffing someone! She's a dog... and you smell funny!

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