>*~A Howl at Midnight~*> A FORGOTTEN DOGS ROLEPLAY! Chat Thread

Lol, insane timing, but I’m probably going inactive for a while. The news of my pupper isn’t good, so we’ll be running to the vet all week with testing. So sorry... good news, Guppy and Primrose weren’t accepted so no harm done to the pack, lol. I’ll jump on here to research for my ducks, but definitely not a long of lingering. :hit I’ll stalk the thread like a TV show, though!
Lol, insane timing, but I’m probably going inactive for a while. The news of my pupper isn’t good, so we’ll be running to the vet all week with testing. So sorry... good news, Guppy and Primrose weren’t accepted so no harm done to the pack, lol. I’ll jump on here to research for my ducks, but definitely not a long of lingering. :hit I’ll stalk the thread like a TV show, though!
Maybe one day I can return and actually join. :fl
Name: Copper
Pack: River
Gender: Male (Sirius knows we need more. :rolleyes: )
Age (in moons): 34 moons
Rank: Hunter
Packtors: (IF UNDER 5 MOONS AND ARE A PUP!-like mentors from Warriors, but there are two- an adult male and a female)
Personality: TBD
History: TBD
Description of bodily attributes:
Breed if dog or species if wolf/coyote: Blue Heeler (ACD)
Mate/crush: None, he's a single pringle.
Siblings: D
Pups: E
Other: D
Username: ChickenCowboy02
He needs to be added to the MP, hmmm.
So do Guppy and Primrose and whoever Riverfire is.
The rest of River's updated charries, too. And new Birch.
I heard from Emma ONCE in pretty much the past year.
It was a few months ago.
Idk, they've been MIA for a while.
I know they have personal stuff they are dealing with, which, for their privacy I will not share on here, so idk when, or if, they will be back.
Yeah, I'm pretty sure CP's just done with roleplaying. I guess I just want permission to kill these their canines off, since they're still partially active.
Lol, insane timing, but I’m probably going inactive for a while. The news of my pupper isn’t good, so we’ll be running to the vet all week with testing. So sorry... good news, Guppy and Primrose weren’t accepted so no harm done to the pack, lol. I’ll jump on here to research for my ducks, but definitely not a long of lingering. :hit I’ll stalk the thread like a TV show, though!
Awww, so sorry about your girl. :( Praying you're able to find God helping you, your family, and her through all of this. :hugsIt'll get better, no matter how bleak a bad diagnosis might make everything seem.
They had a nice introduction though, and we'll be ready for you whenever you're able to pop back in. ;)

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