A labor of Love (finally a few pics)

All great ideas! I like the trap door! Think I'm going to use the deep litter approach but that is a great idea. Yep! I'm liking your chook house.
Hey C&As Dad,

What type of siding did you use? I think this is what I want to cover my small barn with and don't know what to ask for.

OK-That coop is too cute!!! But the landscaping is the icing on the cake!!! LOVE it all!!! Great Job!!!
My building supply called it T 111 3/8 plywood ext siding.

It is a plywood that has a rough finish on the outside and is grooved about every 6 inches giving it a pattern. The edges are cut so the pieces lap each other where they meet. It was just under $12.00 per 4'x8' sheet. It did soak up some primer and paint.
Nice job. That will add value to your property, even for someone who doesn't keep chickens
thanks for the info. I think this is what I'll buy instead of cedar shingles; it will be loads easier for me to install.

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