A Lady wants all my Roos


12 Years
Aug 26, 2007
Longmont, CO
Got a call today from a lady who wants all my roos, as many as I have. No, she's not going to eat them, she's mad at the neighbor for building right on the property line and so she wants to really tick them off. So she decided to get a lot of roos. She has some now, but I guess that's not enough. She's even driving a long way to get them. Wow, she must really be upset.
LOL. Some guy who lives in fredon (about 10 min away) took 3 of my roos. his 2yo daughter said "did mommy kick all the babies out of the nest" He said no "daddy did" LOL
Sounds a little scary to me.

Can she keep them all together without them fighting? What will she do with them when she also gets tired of hearing them crow all day and night. I try to avoid people who go to "extreme" ends for vengence.

I would tell her to forget the roos. Either get guineas which are MUCH more annoying, or do what I did (finally) to get the 3 guys upstairs in my old apartment building to stop partying all night and all week long. During one of their parties I put on my "favorite" music very (very) loud -- 45 minutes of Henry Rollins, and then 30 minutes of bagpipes did the trick. Never had a problem again!
It may seem comical, but I would be weary of gunshot revenge. Who is to know if the neighbors wouldnt be completely vengeful and take it out on the roosters. I am not sure I would be completely comfortable allowing someone to take my pets to be used for such a service. Bad idea.
She promised they would have a good life. She's had a bunch before, and has about 40 hens now. Zoned ag. I guess the idea is to get to them with something they can't do anything about. She does want some standard sized roos to run with the girls, but yeah, she wants to get back at the neighbors.

2 of these roos have bent toes, so the best I could hope for them is Sunday dinner anyway, this is probably a better option. Frankly, if nobody took them from me, they'd have to end up as my Sunday dinner. I'm happier with them going to a place where they will have lots of girls and hopefully a happy life.
Got a call today from a lady who wants all my roos, as many as I have. No, she's not going to eat them, she's mad at the neighbor for building right on the property line and so she wants to really tick them off. So she decided to get a lot of roos.

This reminds me of a man that was ticked off with the way the developer of a housing project failed to keep his promise. A privacy fence was supposed to be installed by the developer and nothing was done. DH said that he was going to let the old man borrow our 4 JG cockerels!​
Did she check with county regs to see what the set back is on building? She might be able to set county reps on neibor. Most places have a law against building on property line. There is always some type of set back req. Also if this was a house there is not much to be done But if this nother building it might not meet code. Something to mention to her.

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