A little bit of road rage!

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To those of you that say..i need to 'keep up' with traffic.. even if they are all speeding...
Let me tell you a little story..
One day on the mass pike... i WAS keeping up with morning traffic... and guess what happend?
There was a cop parked on the grass in a certain section... he must have been getting radar on us...
then a little bit further up the road..there was another cop parked and standing by his cruiser... waving at us all to pull over....
When i last looked in my rearview mirror.. at least 7 cars were lined up to get tickets, and more were being good citizens and pulling over too.....
not me.. i kept going
...i figured if he came after me, i'd plead ignorance and say i didnt know he was waving me over too...
i mean how could he prove that i was speeding, with all those cars around me?... he really couldnt.. i dont think.... but he COULD prove that the general flow of traffic that we were ALL in WAS speeding....
he never came after me.. i assume he was too busy writing... *snicker*
I learned my lesson then... i do the speed limit on the pike... and i could care less who likes it... i'm not speeding and keeping up with traffic.. because its MY insurance that goes up with every ticket.....
YOU wanna speed.. dont expect others to go down with you...
and i cant afford to risk my insurance coverage...
AND.. did you know that if you are speeding at you get in an accident with a child in the car... you CAN be charged with child endangerment..
Ask me how i know this...i'm a foster parent.. and i've seen it before on kids files that i've had.
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Re paintball marking system of tickets. Nope. Everyone always thinks they are in the right, so paint ball marks would be no indication of anything.
DS and I joke that we want to put a rotten egg launcher on my truck...

In PA last I heard, if you see a vehicle trying to merge from an on ramp or trying to turn onto the road you are on, it's illegal to do the courteous thing and move over to let them in. They call it excessive lane changing or something like that. In ND, even if you are the ONLY vehicle on the road there (which is actually common), it's illegal to keep traveling in the left hand lane. Not enforced much, but you can get a ticket for 'excessive travel'.

Farm equipment... I only have problems with them when they do things like drive a combine down the road with the header on and block both lanes of traffic (really scarey when you are doing the speed limit of 65 on a two lane road, pop over a hill in a little Cavalier and come face to face with a header and nowhere to go except down on the brakes). It's illegal for them to have those things on the roads, but they do it anyway. I have seen them take one down a highway for a few miles, 70 mph speed limit and they have both lanes blocked. Just as with tractor trailers, I am more than willing to give them space and be respectful, I just would like them to do the same.

When passing big trucks, I don't move back over until I can see the entire front of the truck (including the top of the cab) in my rearview mirror. That is one of the biggest complaints I hear from OTR drivers, cars cutting them off. They say that a when a car cuts in too close, they can't see them. So when I am driving on icy roads and going slower to keep my vehicle on the road, why do I look in my rearview mirror and see only the grille of the semi behind me?

DH gets road rage... his yelling and complaining is more stressfull to me than what the other drivers are doing. I just try not to let the other drivers bother me, it isn't worth it.
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I agree.. i'm not speeding or moving for you if i am doing the speed limit. ..
If you want to speed.. find your way around me.( i could care less if you pass me..).. but i'm not changing lanes for you...
Get over yourself..jeesh..

Please be very careful when you decide not to move over for people. I understand your points but, I know of a few deadly road rage cases in New England where the person in front didn't move over and began messing with the person behind them. One happened over 10 years ago and the person that killed the other driver was a deacon who pulled out a crossbow from his trunk. People are crazy in this world and driving makes them even crazier. You never know if that person you piss off behind you (of course not done on purpose) is going to find out where you live or just do something to you while your still driving. I say just move over if you can safely and let the crazy go by. You don't need to lose your live or the lives of family members. Just say.
I think you just make stuff up, because that is not true at all. If someone is incapable of changing lanes when it is safe to do so with out hitting someone else then they should not be allowed to drive at all. I would like to see this study. As for hospitals had I DRIVEN MY HUSBAND to the hospital rather than having the ambulance do it he would still be alive because I wanted to take him to one hospital and the EMS refused taking us to the worst since it was a few miles closer. That hospital is known to be horrible and I BEGGED them not to take him there but they said it was the law. My 31 year old husband never made it out alive and was killed in the ICU 5 days later. My whole life would have been different had I driven him. Live is not Black and White just because something is often the better solution does not make it absolute or the only way. Pushing your views or driving behavior onto others is just wrong no matter how you look at it. I hope that if you are comfortably driving on the highway and see someone coming up behind you that you just calmly change lanes (when it is safe to do so) and just let them go on their way rather than purposly block them because you feel that they should drive at your speed.

iam sorry about your lost but you could have hired ambulance to take your hubby to the other hospital to the er/ peroid

NO I COULD NOT THEY WOULD NOT ALLOW HIM TO BE MOVED. for 5 days I begged for him to be moved I HAD worked out a private Ambulance but his leg had been opened and it was at high risk for infection and he could not be moved until the swelling went down and his leg was closed or amputated. like I said not everything is black or white. Now I have called ambulances when my ds has gotten bad croup, and I have choosen not to call and have raced him myself to the good hospital before as well. it all depends on how much time I think we have and what hospital we are closest to. AND YES our hospital is right off the highway I would never be able to get there through side streets.

All I am saying is that if I choose to drive 65 miles an hour on a highway that says 55 is the limit well than just dont block me on purpose, as for cops everyay I travel the same highway at the same speed (if I can get around the nutters) and I am never stopped by the cops doing the speed traps, I often pass 2 on my trip (both ways) in fact when a cop is driving on the same highway they never do 55 either.... (and no their lights are not on)
I think this thread has run its course; thanks to those of you who participated in a helpful manner.
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