A little funny for the ladies

anybody here ever do some serious hiking/backpacking?

i have and i'm grateful for plumbing that flush's. nothing like an outhouse when it's humid & 90 out, PU!!

i use public restrooms daily with all the driving i do. i've learned to look for tp before sitting down. and public restrooms also beat most "barn bathrooms".

i've also been known to use the mens room at sporting events when the women's line is 20 minutes long.
Haha, that is so funny. I remember growing bacteria from various locations about public places... the toilet seat is one of the cleaner ones. There are tons more bacteria on telephones and water fountains!!! If people have to squat, at least wipe up your pee after you spray the seat!!!
Oh I have the kids, 2 who both know how to open the door - I also use the handicap stall when I can - so we can all fit in - and then I can't reach the door when someone decides they've had enough!

I have also used the mens room, more than once at differnt locations - when the line for the ladies was around teh block and I just HAD to go - I yelled in the mens room - INCOMING FEMALE - then walked STRAIGHT into a stall. (had a female companion - at concerts and clubs)
Only once had a complaint - a real whiny guy - he must have had somethign to HIDE!
We were at a restaurant yesterday and this poor man was waiting for the men's room for a good 10 minutes. Women were coming and going from ours...lol I finally got tired of watching him do the peepee dance and went to the ladie's room door opened it for him and told him to get in there before he wet his pants. He did and all the mommys in the restaurant clapped. He was all of about 25 and was bright red when he exited the "wrong" restroom....LOL
I too have used the guys restroom. I read recently that a new sports stadium being built actually took into account lines at women's restrooms and doubled the number of facilities for the girs. My biggest pet peeve is they make the stalls so small that the door clears the stool by half an inch. It looks like you're trying to lick your elbow as you contort to get into the stall.
mom'sfolly :

My biggest pet peeve is they make the stalls so small that the door clears the stool by half an inch. It looks like you're trying to lick your elbow as you contort to get into the stall.

No kidding! I'm an average person and it's still hard to get into these stalls! And don't forget women usually have a purse with them, and if there is no hook on the door you have to hold it while you do your business!​
No kidding! I'm an average person and it's still hard to get into these stalls! And don't forget women usually have a purse with them, and if there is no hook on the door you have to hold it while you do your business!

Try getting in with a toddler - its downright silly..... hence taking the handicap stall whenever I can!
that is so funny! i laughed even more when i got to the part that the husband asked what took so long and why is your purse hanging around your neck!
Once when I was pregnant, I got stuck in the bathroom at the Red Lobster. Couldn't get the door past my belly! I had to climb up on the toilet to get the blasted door open. Tried to get the "big stall" from that point in the pregnancy on, but when your pregnant and have a 8 pound babt dancing on your bladder, you don't alway remember to think about how you're gonna get out!

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