A Little Help


Jun 7, 2018
Northeastern CT
Hello Everyone. I've been trying to locate some Miniature Goose Eggs. Either Oregons or Pilgrims. So far i've come up with nothing. I know the spots to get juvenile/adult birds, but those places aren't selling hatching eggs. My sons and I have been working on filling an icubator. They love hatching (the first time they've been involved) and i'm hoping to pop out some new pet geese with them. We've only raised ducks so they're beyond excited. Does anyone have a line on someone who breeds miniatures? I'd appreciate any help I can get. I'm located in Eastern CT, and have no issues with having them shipped.
Pilgrims aren’t a mini like Oregon’s. That being said they will probably be easier to find. You’ve probably already checked Craigslist. Maybe check postings at local feed stores? Or even post yourself? I know folks have luck on eBay but getting a specific breed is probably harder. There are some Facebook groups you could try if you can’t find a seller here.
Are you planning to butcher them and are ok with unknown quality? Geese live into their 20s and beyond so are a long term commitment (if you’re not planning to butcher them).
I had the same thought.
It seems that goose eggs are really hard to come by. I could swear I saw a big hatchery that sells some. I did check Metzer but they do not. A suggestion would be to check the Livestock Conservancy Breeders pages to see if anyone with geese also lists eggs. I’d look for Romans as they are small, friendly, and productive. But they are rare. The medium geese are a nice size and worth looking at too.
I do breed and sell my mini geese, but not eggs. They lay very few eggs per season so I hatch all that they lay and raise them myself. Then sell extra juveniles and adults in the fall.

Pilgrims are a medium sized goose, not even close to a mini. Those you can find just on craigslist as they are fairly common here in the northeast
Not standard Pilgrims- miniature. They're out there but difficult to find. I've located a couple people who own them online, but so far nobody has responded to me. No butchering or unknown quality out of reason. And I am familiar with what goes into raising geese. Thanks for thinking it over and trying to help out

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