A lot of chicks, what to do.


7 Years
Feb 28, 2012
Carcross, Yukon territory
I think I may run into a bit of a problem. I've got 46 chicks, 12 layers and the rest are meat birds. They're nice and warm in a big cardboard box in the house but i know how fast they grow. I don't think i can handle so many in the house after 2 weeks but being up here in the Yukon, I'm worried about the temperture in the chicken house. How warm should the birds be at about 3 weeks old??
I'm thinking I better put the heat lamp in there and keep them in a big wooden box.
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At three weeks the layers should still need 80 - 85 degress, but I find I can get away with quite a bit less heat on the meat birds. They are little furnaces! If you're chicken coop is somewhat draft free and you can throw a heat lamp in there for them they'll probably be fine. Can you heat the coop at all?
I'm in Wisconsin and moved my 30 chicks out to the coop at 2 1/2 weeks old. I did give them the heat lamp outside since it was still freezing at night at times.

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