
In the Brooder
Dec 2, 2019
I used to have a brood of 8 hens on Gabriola Island near the SW corner of British Columbia, but we sold that property about 12 years ago, so I feel like I have to re-learn everything.
Now we are on the Sunshine Coast of BC, just a bit north of Vancouver. I hope to custom build a coop and run that we can see from the house, but it will be about 15-20 feet away. I’d like to start with just 4 pullets but will design the accommodations and run to take up to 8.
The location will put the coop in a wooded area with tree coverage but the sun will be on the south and west side of it and the run will be on the sunny side, too - but with something to provide shade.
I’m considering the automatic coop door opener if anyone has experience with them; just to help out our chicken-sitting friends when we are away. We have loads of wildlife here. Comments?
Our last hens were a variety of breeds but most of the eggs were very large and brown with a deep orange yolk. They were absolutely delicious! I’ll be trying to find hens that can provide eggs like that again.
My timing is hopefully to have a coop in by May 2020 and the only thing I haven’t figured out is how to cover the top for eagle/hawk protection but so that it’s not ugly, because our sun deck will look down onto the coop and run.
Good luck on your coop plans! :clap
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