A matter of perspective...

What??? You have Mike Rowe in the cellar, Imp as maid, MFB stalking you from the bushes, Deerman entranced with your red hair, Hammie about ready to turn into bacon, more spiders than any one person should want, and a loving husband who does the dishes for you. (Didn't think I missed that last one did ya?) Redhen, you are blessed.

Drat... busted. Cant a gal have a little pity party...

Uh um red,

Hate to tell you this, but the maid stole the family silver.

the maid

btw- bought a boat to ferry my new sheepadoodle around in during the pizza parties, and oh it's a red sheepadoodle.
Since we became a one income family, I am floored at people who cry at the state of economy, yet still get their nails done, go out to eat and have two cars. Honey, that ain't broke.
LOL Imp...

Red, I have the doodle part. Provide him with a female sheep and he promises to see what he can do. Only catch is you have to take the whole ugly litter and we ain't paying child support.
Do you have a picture of a "Sheepadoodle"? I don't don't if I want one or not til I see what one is.

A matter of perspective: My neighbor (who sprays his yard)came over once and while we were looking out over my lawn, he said: "look at all those #!$^ dandelions." "Yeah" I said "Aren't they pretty" while I'm thinking about dandelion wine, dandelion salad, and coffee substitute roots.
What is a party without a party pooper?
I could use a few of the things you mentioned.
What??? You have Mike Rowe in the cellar, Imp as maid, MFB stalking you from the bushes, Deerman entranced with your red hair, Hammie about ready to turn into bacon, more spiders than any one person should want, and a loving husband who does the dishes for you. (Didn't think I missed that last one did ya?) Redhen, you are blessed.

Drat... busted. Cant a gal have a little pity party...

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