A mouse in the house

When I was a teen visiting my grandma, I hated that she put out mouse traps. I made my own "humane" trap. I taped the flat sealer lid part of a canning jar to the lip of the jar on one side to make a hinge, and taped a long piece of plain old thread to the other side of the lid. I'd put pieces of dog food in the jar, aim the jar away from me, and then lay on the kitchen table and wait. Sure enough, before long a mouse would come along and get in that jar for the dog food. I'd pull that string, closing the lid and trapping the mouse. Then I'd go let the mouse go outside...lol. So I'm sure it was right back in the house within an hour or two. But I felt like I was "saving" it's little mousy life back then. I sure caught a lot of mice (or maybe the same 2 or 3 repeatedly)! I hate the sticky traps...feel they're kind of cruel. I'd rather a quick neck snap from an old fashioned trap. Of course I have two good mouser cats (along with one worthless lazy cat). So any mouse around my house is clearly on a suicide mission.
Oh, well that's different when the cat is involved. I use the traps in the garage and under/behind cabinets where cat can't get. Mice never come into easy part of the house, so cat goes outside and brings them in to play with. I have somehow developed the skill of catching a mouse by the tail with my bare hands. Mice can't turn on their tails but rats can. I take all the mice away from cat I can so they don't die and stink behind the furniture.
LOL, yes, i hear you. I know that when i let them go outside they must come back inside within an hour...

I just cant help feeling so bad for them...

plus..it gives my cat something to do...
Tomcat brand Gel Attractant is the good stuff as far as mice are concerned. I had a one-ounce dropper bottle of it under the kitchen sink and the rotten mice chewed the bottle open to eat the gel then they stole the empty bottle.

This is the stuff.

You are thinking of feeding the mice to the ladies? I just removed a worm from my cat. Seriously, to the chickens?
I am new to this and never have heard of that. I would say no.

Unless you were kidding, then I will say "I know" I was kidding too....
Ack -- glue traps are just Ooky and downright evil. There's not even a little bit of sport in it. Their little writhing bodies stuck in the glue getting ever more stuck... the horror! Get a cat, get an uzi, get a mason jar tied up with string, but Good Heavens to Hannah, don;t get a glue trap! please?

LOL! You should have stored the bottle inside a trap instead of under the sink!!! That must be some GOOD stuff....

I keep two or three traps set and baited with the gel. If I'm not catching mice then I don't have any. If I am catching mice then I put out another dozen traps.

I'm just glad the cats aren't attracted by the stuff.

this always disturbs me when humans think its ok to poison and torture. I use snap traps 24/7/365 inside small enclosed box with tiny hole for mouse to enter and I rarely have a mouse now. I have big barn,lots of horse and chicken food that gets accidentally dumped and I DO NOT HAVE VISABLE MICE. my snap traps work perfectly and ,being brave, I have no problem tossing freshly caught mouse(have fed them to my turtle before but kind of afraid to now because people are so poison obsessed) Victor brand snap traps are the only ones that have worked well, though and I check daily and like I said rarely have to empty one now. kills quickly.
I put all my feed in metal trash cans, removing the mouse/rat/possum/roach etc. attractant. Then I sealed every nook and cranny of this old house. It took a while, but once I sealed the feed away the mice and roaches declined, and now? Nary a one.

The roaches do still get in the chicken feed in the coop at night- as long as they're in the coop I can deal with that!

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